- the pacific island state of Nauru 太平洋岛国瑙鲁
- Joe want to visit the Pacific island where his forefathers have live. 乔想去访问祖辈住过的那个太平洋岛屿。
- Windtalkers is set on the Pacific island of Saipan. 影片中,你扮演一个虐待狂型的罪犯。
- the pacific island state 太平洋岛国
- The missionaries evangelized the Pacific Islanders. 传教士使太平洋岛上的居民信仰基督教。
- Joe wants to visit the Pacific Island where his forefathers had lived. 乔想去访问祖辈住过的那个太平洋岛屿。
- Want to know why the Pacific island nation of Tuvalu is facing destruction? 您想知道太平洋的岛国图瓦卢为什么即将遭受灭顶之灾吗?
- On the pacific islands, people enjoy a soft life. 在太平洋岛屿居住的人们享受着悠闲的生活。
- Similar projects are underway in Nepal, India and Bhutan and on the Pacific island of Tonga. 正在尼泊尔、印度和不丹及太平洋岛国汤加实施类似项目。
- Similar projects are underway in Nepal,India and Bhutan and on the Pacific island of Tonga. 正在尼泊尔、印度和不丹及太平洋岛国汤加实施类似项目。
- Taro is a tropical plant used widely in the Pacific Islands. 芋头是太平洋群岛普遍食用的热带植物。
- Assignment of regional experts are foreseen for Southern Africa, Eastern Africa and the Pacific Island countries. 预计将为南部非洲,东非及太平洋岛屿国家指定区域专家。
- A diver holds a machine gun found in a U.S.World War II shipwreck near the Pacific island of Espiritu Santo in Vanuatu. 瓦努阿图的圣埃斯皮岛附近,一个潜水员手里正拿着从美军二战沉船中找到的机关枪。
- Troops and police from Australia and New Zealand are setting out today for the Pacific island of Tonga to help restore security after the riots that killed at least six people. 太平洋岛国汤加发生的数场骚乱导致至少六人丧生,澳大利亚和新西兰的军队和警察于今天派驻汤加,帮助恢复当地治安。
- The Wellington government hopes the initiative will help the economies of the Pacific island nations and make them less reliant on aid from Australia and New Zealand. 惠灵顿政府希望这个作法将帮助太平洋国家的经济,使它们不必过于依赖澳大利亚和新西兰的经济援助。
- The Pacific island nation of Palau has agreed to temporarily accept 17 Chinese Muslims who are being held at the U.S. military detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. 太平洋岛国帛琉同意暂时接收目前留在古巴关塔那摩湾恐怖嫌疑人拘留设施的这17名中国回教徒。
- The astronauts splashed down in the Pacific Ocean. 那些宇航员们溅落在太平洋中。
- The representative from Papua New Guinea spoke for the Pacific Islands Forum. 巴布亚新几内亚代表在太平洋岛国论坛发表了演讲。
- When the representative from the Pacific island of Fiji broke into tears in the middle of her speech, what she saw before her were the indifferent faces from China and America. 当太平洋岛国斐济的代表在哽咽中完成演讲,她所看到的是中国和美国依然冷漠的面孔。
- The people of the Pacific Islands have brown skin and thick black hair. 太平洋群岛的人皮肤为棕色,头发浓密,为黑色。