- remnants of the ousted Baath party regime 被推翻的复兴社会党政权的残余势力
- the ousted Baath party regime 被推翻的复兴社会党政权
- Both Hama and Homs were the scenes of fierce fighting in the early Eighties as the Brotherhood, which espouses Islamic governance, attempted to seize local power from the Syrian Baath Party regime. 在八十年代,哈马和胡姆斯是支持伊斯兰统治的兄弟会的重要基地。兄弟会曾试图从叙利亚复兴党手中夺取地方政权。
- The army reinstated the ousted president. 军队帮助被流放的总统夺回权力。
- The ousted politician walked in a careful manner. 这个下台的政治家走路很从容。
- We know that Iraqi government officials,members of the ruling Baath Party and scientists have hidden prohibited items in their homes. 伊拉克政府官员、执政的伊拉克Baath党成员和科学家在自己家中都藏匿有违禁物品。
- We know that Iraqi government officials, members of the ruling Baath Party and scientists have hidden prohibited items in their homes. 伊拉克政府官员、执政的伊拉克BAATH党成员和科学家在自己家中都藏匿有违禁物品。
- Initial accusations linked the 24 people detained to a coup plot through covert membership in al-Awda, a descendant of Saddam Hussein's Baath Party. 一开始24名官员被捕是因为当局指控他们是萨达姆社会复兴党”分支“回归党”的秘密成员,并图谋政变,但在周二这些人的罪名已减轻到伪造内政部的身份证,而且一位发言人表示所有官员因缺乏罪证都已获释。
- The new law will enable thousands of former Baath party members to apply for reinstatement in the civil service and military. 但是随著时间的过去,白宫意识到这些限制激化了伊拉克占多数的什叶派和一度处于统治地位的逊尼派之间的紧张关系。
- By the mid 1990s, it was apparent that something astounding was happening in Mexico, home of the world s longest-running single party regime. 在 1990 年代中期之前,它是明显的令人惊骇的东西是在墨西哥发生,世界的运行最久的单一党政权的家。
- And he turfed thousands of Baath Party members out of the bureaucracy, thereby depriving many ministries of their only trained staff. 同时,他还将数以千计的复兴社会党(BaathParty)成员驱逐出官僚机构,因而也就使得许多部门被剥夺了他们唯一受过训练的人员来源。
- The ousted president of Honduras is planning to head back there Thursday. 遭遇罢黜的洪都拉斯总统正计划于周四返回洪国。
- Others are striking: members of the Baath party, who all lost their jobs after the war, could now be allowed back into government. 还有一些是爆炸性的---让战后集体失业的伊拉克复兴党成员重回政府。
- The umpire ousted the arguing player from the game. 裁判员将那位不服判决的运动员罚下场。
- The secretary of state was referring to a new law that Iraq's parliament passed Saturday that allows members of Saddam Hussein's Baath Party to reclaim government jobs. 赖斯国务卿所指的是伊拉克议会星期六通过一项新法律允许萨达姆的社会复兴党成员重新担任政府职务。
- Founded in Damascus by Michel Aflaq and Salah al-Din al-Bitar in 1943, in 1953 it merged with the Syrian Socialist Party to form the Arab Socialist Baath Party. 1943年由阿弗拉克和比塔尔(Salah al-Din al-Bitar)创建于大马士革(Damascus),1953年与叙利亚社会党(Syrian Socialist Party)合并为阿拉伯社会复兴党(Arab Socialist Baath Party)。
- The accident put an untimely end to the party. 意外事故使聚会匆匆结束了。
- The decadent puppet regime was falling apart. 那个堕落的傀儡政权正在土崩瓦解。
- The ousted dictator's fellow Sunnis paraded through his hometown vowing to avenge the verdict. 遭罢免独裁者(达姆)逊尼派同胞在其家乡游行抗议,誓要对这一判决进行报复。
- Things will change under the new regime. 在新政权下,事情将会发生变化。