- Ban Zhao and the oppression of women in traditional China: is she the first culprit? 班昭与历代中国妇女被压迫的历史:她是压迫中国妇女的祸首?
- UrbanRegeneration Minister Fadela Amara told the Financial Times that a veilcovering everything but the eyes represented "the oppression of women". 城市复兴部长Fadela阿马拉埃西告诉金融时报说,面纱涵盖一切,但眼睛派“的压迫妇女” 。
- Based on the stifling experience of a sensitive educated woman in her family, the novelette reveals the oppression of women from the prison, their patriarchal families. 小说以一位敏感的知识女性在父权制婚姻家庭里备受压抑的经历,揭示了家庭这一“囚笼”对女性身心的摧残。
- The little black boy, the Latina girl and the European girl (the "progressive" schoolteacher probably takes a feminist line about the oppression of women) all get to play the good Indians. 那个黑人小男孩和拉美裔的女孩以及欧洲裔女孩(具有“进步思想”的教师在妇女受压迫问题上可能是个女权主义者)都扮演善良的印第安人。
- Songshu was one of the reformers in the early stage o f modern times in china.He criticised the Oppression of the women in the feudal society, and advanced the idea of women's liberation. 宋恕是我国近代早期维新派人物之一,他批判了封建社会对女性的压抑,提出了解放妇女、男女平等平权的惊世骇俗之论。
- She struggled so resolutely against the oppression of her feelings. 她非常坚决地与自己精神上的极大痛苦作了斗争。
- the oppression of women. 女性压迫史便是最好的明证。
- How does God protect women from the oppression of men who fail to exercise Christ-like headship? 神怎麽保护女人免受那些错误使用头领的男人之欺压?
- Therefore, disclosure, struggle and opposition must be made against the patriarchy and the oppression of the women and the separated powers herefrom. 因此,必须对父权制和由此产生的对女性的压迫和分离的权力进行各种揭露、斗争和抗争。
- The emancipation of women depends on themselves. 妇女的解放依靠她们自己。
- People in the West are properly outraged by Taliban oppression of women in parts of Pakistan. 西方人常常义愤填膺,声讨塔利班对巴基斯坦部分地区的女性的压迫。
- Later, out of fear of the oppression of this love, I finally left school. 后来又为了爱的胁迫,使我害怕得离开了我的学校。
- Redeem me from the oppression of men, that I may obey your precepts. 求你救我脱离人的欺压,我要遵守你的训词。
- The oppression of the invaders had thinned down the population of the village. 入侵者的压迫使这个村里的人口减少了。
- The question of woman suffrage sets them at variance. 妇女参政的问题使他们发生争执。
- So we must solidify consistently, resist the oppression of west nation! 所以我们一定要团结一致,反抗西方国家的压迫!
- The exclusion of women from the temple made them feel sad. 妇女被排斥于寺院之外使得她们很难过。
- The raising of interest rates will lead to the oppression of domestic demands. 利率的调升会导致国内的需求压抑。
- The oppression ignited the hatred of the people. 压迫激起人民的仇恨。
- Exquisitely shot and serenely told, WATER is an examination of the institutionalised oppression of women through the personal stories of the characters. 蒂帕梅塔透过影像批判保守宗教及传统价值,发人深省,当中的敏感程度,在拍摄时惹来轩然大波。