- He is in charge of the operation of the steel mill. 他负责这家钢厂的经营工作。
- The operation of natural law is constant. 自然法则的作用是永恒的。
- The operation of a sewing-machine is easy. 缝纫机容易操作。
- Save The operation of storing data on disc or tape. 把数据贮存在磁带或磁碟上的情况。
- The operation of a railroad needs many men. 铁路的营运需要很多人。
- The operation of this machine is simple. 这个机器的操作很简单。
- Specifications for the operation of fibre sling us. 港口装卸用纤维绳吊索使用技术条件。
- To perform the operation of grinding something. 磨进行磨碎某物的操作
- The set of rules governing the operation of functional units of a communication system that must be followed if communication is to be achieved. 管理某一通信系统的功能部件操作的一组规则,如果要实现通信,必须遵循这些规则。
- Program Manager is the central to the operation of Windows. It starts automatically whenever you start Windows and continues to run as long as you are using Windows. 程序管理器是所有Windows操作的中枢。当你启动Windows时,它就自动启动,在使用Windows的过程中它也始终在运行着。
- A stop or break in the operation of a mechanism. 运作中断停止或中断机械的运行
- The operation of using a telegraph key. 使用电报按键的操作过程。
- To perform the operation of negation. 实现逻辑“非”运算。
- the operation of Curettage 钳刮术
- The device enables the operation of the Act. 这一措施使法律正式生效。
- The operation of the large ARFF unit was improper. 大型飞机救援消防单位的操作并不适当。
- The operation of using a keyboard. 使用键盘的操作过程。
- She personally directs the operations of the company. 她亲自指挥公司的运作。
- To perform the operation of division. 做除法做除法运算
- Program Manager is the central to the operation of Windows. 程序管理器是所有Windows操作的中枢。