- the occupational burnout 职业倦怠
- Are you the occupant of this house? 你是不是住在这所房子里的?
- These new teachers,who have just begun their teaching career,are facing both pressure from all sides and the risk of occupational burnout. 刚刚开始教师生涯的中小学新教师,面临来自各方面的压力,也面临产生职业倦怠的危险。
- The policy united the whole country in resistance to the occupation forces. 这一政策把全国人民团结起来反抗占领军。
- During the occupation, we had to live in total submission (to the invader). 在沦陷时期,我们得听凭(侵略者的)摆布。
- A celebration of the occupancy of a new home. 庆祝迁入新居的宴会
- The occupation or style of a writer. 文风作家的风格或作家的职业
- The occupant is not able to pay the rent. 这住户付不起房租。
- Heart attack is one of the occupational hazards of director. 心脏病是董事们的职业危害病之一。
- But it's unfair to the occupants! 但那对现在的住客很不公平呀!
- The occupant of the honorary professorial chair. 这把光荣的教授椅的占有者。
- Why did you choose the occupation of a secretary? 你为什么选择秘书这个职业? ?
- The occupancy for that show fell four percent. 那场演出的上座率下跌了4%25。
- The occupation of Shan State by the Burma Army. 促使仰光缅族政权破坏真正的缅甸联邦制.;进而占领并吞了掸国以及其他缅甸各邦
- The occupation of an actor or actress. 演艺业男女演员的职业
- How about the occupancy rate recently? 最近的住房率如何?
- To organize the control over the occupational poisoning accident sites. 组织控制职业中毒事故现场。
- The Occupational Deafness Compensation Scheme compensates employees suffering from occupational noise-induced deafness. 职业性失聪补偿计划对因工作噪音而引致失聪的雇员给予补偿。
- The occupation of a hairdresser. 理发业理发师的行业
- Job burnout easily appears in the occupations which serving for human such as medicine,nursing and education,especially in medical staff. 职业倦怠容易发生在医疗护理、教育等与人交往多的行业中,医务人员是职业倦怠的高发人群。