- To solve this problem, some Chinese scholars call for ontological return of translation studies, anyhow, the noumenon of translation has not been defined adequately yet. 面对这一危险,国内不少学者呼吁回归翻译本体的研究,但对翻译本体缺乏充分的说明。
- the noumenon of translation 翻译本体
- The noumenon of a discipline is the u ltim ate foundation for its existence and development. 摘要学科本体是学科存在和发展的最终根据。
- Artistic conception, as the noumenon of art aesthetics, is an important category of Chinese classical aesthetics. 摘要意境是中国古典美学中最为核心的美学范畴,是艺术美的本体。
- I continued at the work of translation. 我继续做翻译工作。
- Socrates asked about the noumenon of beauty that should be answered with an essential definition while Hippias gave him an answer of showing definition that show the pattern of beauty. 摘要苏格拉底“美是什么”追问本体,要求一个本质定义作为回答,是西方式的美学话语模式;
- Correctly grasping it is the key of translation. 正确把握其文化内涵是翻译的关键。
- As nationalism is the noumenon of USSR law and the basic point of her legal system, we should rethink the theoretical significance, value and scotoma by critical analysis and theoretical reflections. 国家主义是苏联法学的本体,是全部法律制度的基点,应当通过批判性的分析和反思,重新展现出其理论意义、价值和盲点。
- Such talent of translation is seldom displayed. 这样的翻译才能是罕见的。
- Aesthics authority is depriving noumenon of aesthetic confidence. 美学权威正把审美信心从审美主体那里夺走。
- The Ontology of international law, which is the fundamental part of the philosophy of international law, is the theory on the Noumena of international law. 国际法本体论是研究国际法本体的理论,是国际法哲学的最基本组成部分。
- Translation methodology is the foundation of translation research. 翻译方法论是翻译研究的重要基础。
- The Theoretical Orientations of the Affinity between the Noumenon of Language and the Noumenon of Linguistics 语言本体与语言学本体契合的学科取向意义
- It is the translation of theories into practice. 这是理论到实践的转变。
- The effect of the novel loses in translation. 这部小说经过翻译失色不少。
- Is there another way of translating this sentence? 还有别的译法吗?
- Final proof-read of translated training materials. 校审培训资料。
- the noumenon of education 教育本体
- A cloud is a mass of vapor in the sky. 云是天空中的水汽团。
- the noumenon of non-noumenon 非本体的本体