- This scientist lived in the nineteenth century. 这位科学家生活在十九世纪。
- It happened in the nineteenth century. 这事发生在十九世纪。
- No antenna, no radio, we're back in the nineteenth century! 没有天线,没有无线电,我们回到十九世纪了。
- They were both born during the nineteenth century. 他们都出生在19世纪。
- This house was churlish to the nineteenth century. 它满腔戾气地觑着十九世纪。
- In the nineteenth century younger sons were often intended for the Church, the Army or the colonies. 在19世纪,父母都希望年轻的儿子们在教会、军队或国外殖民地谋到职务。
- The Turkish Empire decayed in the nineteenth century. 土耳其帝国在十九世纪时衰落。
- The nineteenth century liked it rich and smoky. 十九世纪的人喜欢华丽朦胧的散文。
- Modern gymnastics began in the nineteenth century. 现代体操是从十九世纪开始的.
- The scene is laid in London in the nineteenth century. 那场面以十九世纪的伦敦为背景。
- No antenna,no radio,we're back in the nineteenth century! 没有天线,没有无线电,我们回到十九世纪了。
- The Cup of Tea, written in the nineteenth century, breaks his rule. 这篇十九世纪的作品《一杯茶》打破了他的常规。
- The story goes back to the middle of the nineteenth century. 故事追溯到19世纪中叶。
- England became an industrial country in the nineteenth century. 英国在十九世纪成了一个工业国家。
- During the nineteenth century, many composers wrote romantic music. 19世纪,许多作曲家写过浪漫乐曲。
- During the nineteenth century,many composers wrote romantic music. 19世纪,许多作曲家写过浪漫乐曲。
- The nineteenth century was a period of great social reform. 19世纪是社会大规模改革的时期。
- Her folks came to the U.S. during the nineteenth century. 她的祖先19世纪来到美国。
- The first half of the nineteenth century saw the duel die out. 19世纪上半叶,决斗现象就已消失。
- This region was settled by the Dutch in the nineteenth century. 荷兰人于十九世纪来到这一地区定居。