- The next three weeks were a blur. 其后三个星期的事情变得一片模糊。
- The next three weeks was a blur. 接下来的三个星期我记不清了。
- We are running a series of TV spot over the next three week. 我们要在以后三周时间里插播出一系列电视广告节目。
- Advance purchases for use in the next three weeks to three months. 针对未来三个星期到三个月内的需求量,进行的预先采购。
- I know what I shall be doing for the next three weeks. 我知道未来的3个星期我要干什么.
- For the next three weeks, Chris and Pandora were inseparable. 接下来的三周里,克里斯和潘多拉变得难分难舍。
- Elvin: And it's all coming down to the next three weeks. 艾文:接下来的三个星期就会见真相。
- I know what I'll be doing for the next three weeks but I haven't thought beyond that. 我知道我未来三周要干什么,但再往后我还没有想过。
- Joe Cole hopes to sign a new contract with Chelsea during the next three weeks before the World Cup gets under way. 接下来的三周乔科尔有望在世界杯前得到一份新的合同。
- We soon reached the White House, which was to be in every sense our home for the next three weeks. 不久,我们就抵达白宫,这里从各方面说来将成为我们在以后三个星期内的家园。
- I know what I shall be doing for the next three weeks but I haven't thought be yond that. 我知道未来的三个星期我要干什么;但再往后我就没想过.
- For most of the next three weeks traffic northward on the MSR would be unimpeded. 在接下来的近三个星期里北上的主要补给线将会是畅通无阻。
- But don't fret, my pretties.I came up with a few ideas that will help you get by the next three weeks so you can ... 小君君 薛超- - 小白 摇摇兄- -. 程程 我都快不行了- - 头发要减啊 小山你怎么还不开门.. 我头离她很远 角度问题..... 其实...
- Giggs is currently sidelined for the next three weeks after hurting his hamstring during last week's UEFA Champions League win over Celtic. 吉格斯在对凯尔特人的比赛中由于肌腱受伤不得不休战三周。
- Cassie: Well she told me to finish my rough draft within the next three weeks, plus she asked me to sub for her class while she goes on vacation. 凯西:这个嘛,她要我在三周内拟出论文大纲,又要我在她休假时替她代课。
- With Venus, the guardian of love, in your house of romance for the next three weeks, your flirtatious side will likely feel emboldened. 金星维纳斯,爱的守护神,接下来的三周会在你的浪漫宫,你将会勇敢的展示诱人的一面。
- "In the next three weeks, we will announce a long-term partnership that will provide Saturn with world-class cars," Ingersoll told the Danbury News Times. "在今后三个星期里,我们将宣布一项长期的伙伴关系,将提供土星与世界一流的汽车,“英格索尔说丹伯里新闻次。
- Eddie Cantrow: I'm married to the girl of my dreams, I've got the next three weeks off, I'm roadtripping down to Cabo - if I'm dreaming, Mac, do not wake me up. 埃迪坎特劳:我和那个梦中情人结婚,然后有三个星期的婚假,我们来了一场公路旅行抵达墨西哥--麦克,如果这都是梦,千万不要叫醒我。
- Lampard, along with Chelsea and England captain John Terry will complete contract talks within the next three weeks and both will look for long-term deals. 兰帕德,以及切尔西和英格兰双料队长约翰特里的续约谈判将在未来三周内完成,他们都将得到一份长期合同。
- The next three lots will be set up together. 下面三批商品将一起拿去拍卖。