- He knows nothing of the nature of my work. 他一点也不了解我的工作性质。
- Her sad looks reflected the nature of her thoughts. 她面带忧伤显出心事重重。
- Chemists study the nature of gases. 有的化学家研究气体的性质。
- Relating to or of the nature of fermentation. 有关于发酵本质的或发酵性的
- The being of the nature of law illustrates that the concrete forms of the nature of law is realistic and multiplex. 法本质的实然则表明法本质的具体表现形态是现实的、多样的。
- In her talk she went into the nature of imperialism. 她在报告中探讨了帝国主义的本性。
- The oughtness of the nature of law contain the requirement for value which is the root of legal rules. 法本质的应然体现了人们对法律规则本身所赖以存在和维护的价值需求。
- In the view of law, there are some large differences in theory in the nature of emission trading. 摘要从法学的视角考察,排污权的性质是什么,学界存在着比较大的分歧。
- Marked by or having the nature of convulsions. 痉挛的以痉挛为特征或者具有痉挛性质的
- Having the nature of fantasies or dreams; illusory. 幻觉的具有幻想或梦性质的; 幻觉的
- According to the nature of the law and human, Aristotle draws conclusions "law is the best ruler" and "the rule of law should excel rule of a person". 亚里士多德基于法律的秉性和人的本性的比较,得出了“法律是最优良的统治者”和“法治应当优于一人之治”的结论。
- The nature of law affirms, distributes and maintains the holistic good of human being's society which is decided by common materialized living condition. 法的本质是对人类社会整体利益的确认、分配和维护,该社会的整体利益是由社会共同的物质生活条件决定的。
- Of or having the nature of an epigram. 警句式的,有警句特点的
- We will explore the nature of law as a set of social systems, central actors in the systems, legal reasoning, and the relationship of the legal form and reasoning to social change. 我们将探讨的内容有,法律作为一套社会系统的性质,该系统中的主要行动者,法律推理,以及法律形态和法律推理之于社会变迁的关系。
- Of or having the nature of an invocation. 乞灵和乞灵有关的或带乞灵性质的
- His poems participate of the nature of satire. 他的诗带有讽刺性。
- The supervision and management activities of community corrections have the nature of law enforcement which can prevent crimes,protect community safety and improve to return to society smoothly. 社区矫正的监督管理活动具有执法性的性质,对它的实施可以预防矫正对象违法犯罪,保障社区安全,促使社区矫正对象顺利回归社会。
- Relating to or having the nature of a triumph. 胜利的,凯旋的关于胜利的或有胜利的性质的
- Here I focus on two kinds of information confusion梩hetrade with unconformity of the natures of law and economics, the monetary illusion2 ABSTRACTwith price change. 对法律性质与经济性质不符的交易,一般采用的滤2内容担要一波技术有交易重新安排和虚拟交易两种,对货币幻觉所采用的是分解技术。第2章是对福利外溢问题的考察。
- They did not reveal the nature of the talk. 他们没有透露会谈的性质。