- Why do we yearn this much for the native land? 我们为什么这样怀念故乡呢?
- Not even in his wildest dream,had the young lad ever been to the native land. The most we can call it is the "native land of his parents". 他简直梦里也不曾到过,至多只能说是“父母之邦”罢了。
- Not even in his wildest dream, had the young lad ever been to the native land. The most we can call it is the "native land of his parents". 他简直梦里也不曾到过,至多只能说是“父母之邦”罢了。
- As the years pass, many things change. Today, the only memento from my native land is long gone. I do not even know where it is. Yet why do I still yearn for the native land ? 岁时更易,人事变迁,到现在来,并此唯一的纪念品,也早就不知去向了,为什么我还在怀念着她呢?
- Have a voice, more strongly: "I dream of Changting is looking for thousands of the native land, the Hakkas are a common root. 有一个声音,越来越强烈:"长汀就是我梦里千百度寻觅的故土,是客家人共同的根。"
- As the years pass,many things change. Today,the only memento from my native land is long gone. I do not even know where it is. Yet why do I still yearn for the native land ? 岁时更易,人事变迁,到现在来,并此唯一的纪念品,也早就不知去向了,为什么我还在怀念着她呢?
- After Japan launched the War of the Pacific Ocean, the United States dispatched the Doolittle flight crew to directly bomb the native land of Japan in counterattack. 日本发动太平洋战争,美国派遣杜立特机组直接轰炸日本本土,给日本法西斯以正面还击。
- Choice stockjobber should choose name of course big, the sign is good, the service is good. The native land like Shenzhen negotiable securities that enrol business is very good! 选择证券公司当然要选择名气大;牌子硬;服务好的.;像深圳本土的招商证券就很好啊!
- Deeply rooted at the native land, Yunjin cuckoo cherished endearment to Huading, Tear strains from the flower fairy could be vaguely seen from its persistence. 故土情深,云锦杜鹃对华顶的这份钟爱,这份执著,隐隐的,似乎还有当年花神仙子依依惜别的泪痕。
- As the years pass, many things change.Today, the only memento from my native land is long gone.I do not even know where it is.Yet why do I still yearn for the native land ? 岁时更易,人事变迁,到现在来,并此唯一的纪念品,也早就不知去向了,为什么我还在怀念着她呢?
- How they long to get a sight of their native land! 他们多么渴望看一看故乡啊!
- I am still struck by the native beauty of the lake. 我仍然为湖泊的自然美所吸引。
- The invaders prevailed over the native population. 入侵者打败了土著居民。
- That of the native land? 故乡吗?
- Exiles long to return to their native land. 流亡者们渴望回到自己的祖国。
- In this area immigrant predominate over the native of the place. 在这一地区,移民在数量上超过了本地人。
- He yearned to return to his native land. 他渴望回到故乡。
- The native land policy of modern sign and VC patronizes the international of PE, accomplished now a such Chinese special groups: Blundering, congenial and lack or disdain the strategy to think. PE的国际时髦标牌和VC的本土政策惠顾,成就了现在中国这样一个特殊群体:浮躁、投机而缺乏或者不屑于战略考量。
- The natives make excellent boats from tree trunks. 土著人用树干制作上好的木船。
- On the native land affection in Lu Xun's novels 论鲁迅小说中的乡土情结