- The national flower of China is the peony. 中国的国花是牡丹。
- The daffodil is the national flower of Wales. 水仙花是威尔士的国花。
- So why isn't it made the national flower? 但是为什么不把它作为国花呢?
- Peony is the national flower of china. 牡丹花是中国是国花
- B: Lotus is the national flower of Egypt. 荷花是埃及的国花。
- Tulips are the national flowers of Holland. 郁金香是荷兰的国花。
- Cactuses are the national flowers of Mexico. 仙人掌是墨西哥的国花。
- The national flower of Singapore is the Vanda Miss Joaquim. 新加坡的国花是卓锦万带兰。
- FlowerRose is the national flower of the United States. 玫瑰是美国的国花。
- Vanda Miss Joaquim is the national flower of Singapore. 卓锦万代兰是新加坡的国花。
- "Lotus is the national flower of India," said Professor Tandon. “莲花是印度的国花,”坦登教授说。
- The tulip is the national flower of the Netherlands. 郁金香是荷兰的国花。
- Customer: I recommend cherry blossoms, the national flower of Japan. 顾客:那你就买樱花吧,樱花是日本的国花。
- Iris is the French national flower. 鸢尾是法国国花。
- Flowering cherries are the national flowers of Japan. 樱花是日本的国花。
- The big iron logo for the mountain rescue. In the middle of it, there is a Edelweiss, the national flower of Austria. 这是山峰紧急救援会的铁质标志。其中间有个火绒草,它就是奥地利的国花。
- China Flower, having the national flower, peony in the background, models after its beauty and luxury. 以中国国花牡丹为背景的华樽餐厅,袭承了牡丹的端丽妩媚、雍容华贵。
- The national debts of that country are rolling up. 那个国家的国债在不断地增加。
- The national flower of Mexico. They are spiny, usually leafless plants, have various forms and can often be found in dry regions. 墨西哥国花。仙人掌属多刺无叶植物,种类繁多,一般生长于干旱地区。
- You can plug into the national computer network. 你可以接通全国计算机网络。