- The national bourgeoisie is a class with a dual character. 民族资产阶级是带两重性的阶级。
- The national bourgeoisie presents a complicated problem. 民族资产阶级是一个复杂的问题。
- The national bourgeoisie is entirely and eternally counter-revolutionary. 民族资产阶级是全部永世反革命了。
- And the national bourgeoisie has become a tail to the big bourgeoisie. 民族资产阶级则做了大资产阶级的尾巴。
- At one time the national bourgeoisie may take part in it,at another it may not. 在某一时期有民族资产阶级参加在内,而在另一时期则民族资产阶级并不参加在内。
- The national bourgeoisie at the present stage is of great importance. 民族资产阶级在现阶段上,有其很大的重要性。
- As a vacillating class, the national bourgeoisie has a thousand and one links with imperialism and feudalism. 民族资产阶级是动摇的,它同帝国主义、封建主义有千丝万缕的联系。
- What was crucial was resolutely to protect the indurtry and commerce of the national bourgeoisie and oppose ultra-Left policies. 这里的关键是坚决地保护民族工商业,反对过左的政策。
- The national bourgeoisie is less feudal than the landlord class and not so comprador as the comprador class. 民族资产阶级没有地主阶级那样多的封建性,没有买办阶级那样多的买办性。
- Hence we believe that in the present situation the attitude of the national bourgeoisie can change. 因为这些情况,我们认为民族资产阶级的态度,在今天的时局下,有起变化的可能性。
- The middle bourgeoisie constitutes the national bourgeoisie as distinct from the comprador class, i.e. from the big bourgeoisie. 中等资产阶级就是除了买办阶级即大资产阶级以外的民族资产阶级。
- Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to have a prudent policy towards the national bourgeoisie. 因此,对于民族资产阶级采取慎重的政策,是完全必要的。
- As a vacillating class,the national bourgeoisie has a thousand and one links with imperialism and feudalism. 民族资产阶级是动摇的,它同帝国主义、封建主义有千丝万缕的联系。
- In dealing with the national bourgeoisie,our Party has made both "Left" and Right mistakes. 所以在对待民族资产阶级方面,我们党有“左”的经验也有右的经验。
- But how do the national bourgeoisie,the comprador and landlord classes,and the Kuomintang face up to this question? 问题摆在民族资产阶级、买办阶级和地主阶级面前,摆在国民党面前,又是怎样的呢?
- Can one say that the national bourgeoisie is weak today,but was not weak in 1924-27? 难道今天软弱,那时就不软弱吗?
- There is,of course,a clash of interests between the working class and the national bourgeoisie. 当然,工人阶级的利益同民族资产阶级的利益也是有冲突的。
- Therefore,it is absolutely necessary to have a prudent policy towards the national bourgeoisie. 因此,对于民族资产阶级采取慎重的政策,是完全必要的。
- Politically,they stand for the establishment of a state under the rule of a single class,the national bourgeoisie. 他们的政治主张是,实现民族资产阶级一阶级统治的国家。
- Concurrently the national bourgeoisie and the proletariat were born in countries like China. 随着也就产生了中国这类国家的民族资产阶级和无产阶级。