- They spend their time philosophizingabout the mysteries of life. 他们用很多时间探讨生命的奥秘。
- What wide reading teaches is the richness, the complexity, the mystery of life. 广泛阅读教导人生之富庶、复杂和神秘。
- Hope archaeological excavations, from the tomb discovered epitaph, the Mystery of Life and untied Tomb. 希望考古发掘后,能从墓中发现墓志铭,解开墓主身世之谜。
- Standing still in the snowy fields, resembling Nature's sensitive nerves, the withered twigs are telling the mystery of life. 颤悸的枯枝,倔强地傲立在雪野上,似大自然敏感的神经,在默默诉说着生命的奥秘;
- The mystery of the man's death has been cleared up. 此人神秘死亡的原因已被查清。
- They spend their time philosophizing about the mysteries of life. 他们用很多时间探讨生命的奥秘。
- Therefore, while seeking for the philosophic theory on life, Zhuang Zi was also exaggerating the mystery of life with an original consciousness of death. 因此庄子在探讨生命哲理的同时,又以原始的死亡意识渲染著生命的神秘。
- He could not probe into the mystery of his speech. 他吃不透他讲话的隐晦含义。
- The Mystery of Life's Origin: Reassessing Current Theories, by Charles B.Thaxton, Walter L.Bradley, Roger L.Olsen.New York: Philosophical Library, 1984. 此书特别论及生命起源,作者都是基督徒科学家,但一直到附录才提及宗教。
- We begin to plumb the mysteries of the universe. 我们开始探索宇宙的奥秘。
- How the spatial protein configuration created by the definite aminophenol one-dimensional configuration, is an important issue that the human unveil the mystery of life. 怎样由一定的氨基酸顺序排列的多肽链生成一定空间结构的蛋白质,这是一个人类破译生命奥秘的重大问题。
- Overcoming the Mystery of Death? 面对死亡的奥秘?
- The model is mainly an anthropomorphosis carve.It represents the meaning of “To Explore the Mystery of Life, To Create the Happy Life for Human Being”. 模型以镂空的人形为主形象,代表了“探索生命奥秘创造人类幸福”的科学内涵。
- Are they really hieroglyphic keys to the mysteries of life? 他们是否是真正地象形文字的钥匙到生命的神秘事物?
- Then, an inevitable embarrassment happened criticizing from the view of "affirming the value of human existence” the poems revealing the mystery of "ridiculing the desire of life". 以“肯定人的价值存在”的立场去批评“对于生命欲揶揄的神秘”的诗,这本身就导致了一种不可避免的尴尬。
- I could not probe into the mystery of his speech. 我吃不透他讲话的隐晦合义。
- Unravel the Mystery of Ancient Hanging Coffi. 破解千古悬棺之谜。
- The magnificent panorama of life depicted in the murals has provided us with the most authentic answers and evidences for decoding the mysteries of history. 洞中气象万千的生命姿态,为我们解读历史提供了最确凿的答案和证据。
- Download and discover the mystery of Wik! 这个游戏是重复的源,我就不多介绍了。