- Serial Extraction in the Mixed Dentition. 混合齿列期之循序拔牙法。
- An impacted maxillary canine is a frequently encountered clinical problem in the mixed dentition. 摘要上颚阻生犬齿是混合齿列期常遇见的问题。
- Put the mixed historical facts in sequence. 将混淆的历史事件按顺序排列。
- The mixed grill has been taken off (the menu). 烤杂拌这道菜已(从菜单上)取消了。
- The Effect of Premature Extraction of the Mandibular First Deciduous Molar in the Mixed Dentition on the Eruption of Permanent Successors 混合牙列期提前拔除下颌第一乳磨牙对继承恒牙萌出的影响
- The mixed cement has been hoisted up the building. 拌好的水泥灰浆已吊到建筑物顶上了。
- Add some chilli to the mix -ture. 在混合物里加一些辣椒粉。
- The mix of farm produce has been readjusted. 农产品种植结构有所调整。
- The Mix of Culture is truly amasing! 者文化的混合是真实地惊奇!
- Even VIPs make there way into the mix. 即使有贵宾使进入组合。
- the mixed dentition 替牙期
- The mixed contents are aerated for 2-3 days. 将这混合液曝气2-3天。
- They were runners-up in the mixed doubles. 他们是混合双打亚军。
- Chill the mixed fruit dish until serving time. 吃之前把水果拼盘冷藏起来。
- In the mixed doubles event, they placed second. 他们得了混合双打第二名。
- Predictably, the mixed zone was a zoo. 正如所料,混合区里一片拥挤。
- She paired up with Xiao Wang in the mixed doubles. 她和小王搭配参加混合双打。
- It is not uncommon to see uneruption of the maxillary anterior teeth during children's mixed dentition stage. 摘要上颚恒前齿未能于正常时间适时萌出,在儿童青少年混合齿列期不算少见,且常为父母亲所关心的问题。
- Objective: To study the difference of upper airway form and hyoid position of the children with different vertical facial types in mixed dentition. 目的:比较替牙期不同垂直骨面型儿童上气道形态和舌骨位置的差异,为临床诊疗和颅面部生长发育的研究提供一定的参考依据。
- Excessive short fiber content in the mixing. 混配棉中短纤维含量过多。