- The second stage is the metaphysical stage. 第二阶段是形而上学阶段。
- The metaphysical study of the nature of being and existence. 对于存在的本质的哲学研究。
- The metaphysical world outlook sees things as isolated, static and one-sided. 形而上学宇宙观用孤立的、静止的和片面的观点去看世界。
- The modern poets have gone back to the fanciful poems of the metaphysical poets of the seventeenth century for many of their images. 现代派诗人就其许多想象又回到了十七世纪极抽象派诗人的意象诗中。
- The metaphysical world outlook sees things as isolated, static and one-sided . 形而上学宇宙观用孤立的、静止的和片面的观点去看世界。
- Philosophy of consciousness is the metaphysical foundation of modernity. 摘要现代性的形而上学基础是意识哲学。
- He affirms the value of Qing and puts forward the metaphysical Xing which confines Qing. 黄宗羲充分肯定“情”在诗学中的价值,并进一步提出形而上的“性”,力求以性统情。
- Comrade Mao Zedong once said that we should do away with the metaphysical idea that "gold must be 100 per cent pure and man must be flawless". 毛泽东同志说过,要打破“金要足赤,人要完人”的形而上学思想。
- The metaphysical fallacies contain the only clues we have to what thinking means to those who engage in it. 第十一页:形而上学谬论包含我们必须把握的对进行思维的那些人来说意味着的最好线索。
- A "time theme" is always implied in the metaphysical connotation layer of Chekhov's psychological works. 在契诃夫抒情心理作品的形而上意蕴层里 ,几乎都隐含着一个“时间主题”。
- But confined in the metaphysical paradigm, the nature of critique of dialectics is suffocacated. 但在形而上学思维范式中,辩证法的批判本性被窒息了。
- How do teacher have the metaphysic wisdom? 摘要教师形上的智慧何以可能?
- The metaphysical value is both linked with the transcendence and related to the present world. 价值世界既是超验的,又与现实世界相关涉。
- The wind whirled the dead leaves about. 风吹得枯叶在四处回旋。
- The wind was whispering in the trees. 一阵风穿过树林沙沙作响。
- There are 26 letters in the English alphabet. 英语字母表中有26个字母。
- Derrida thinks that the metaphysical phonocentrism is the philosophy inherent about sci-entificity. 德里达认为语音中心主义的形而上学就是关于学术之科学性的固有的哲学。
- Foreign nationals were asked to leave the country. 外国侨民被要求离开该国。
- A cloud is a mass of vapor in the sky. 云是天空中的水汽团。
- In the later Anglophone world he was associated with the metaphysical philistinism of A. 这里,维根斯坦留给了我们一个启迪性的思考。