- She traveled through the length and breadth of the country. 她走遍了全国。
- They travelled through the length and breadth of the country. 他们走遍全国。
- They have traveled through the length and breadth of this nation. 他们走遍了这个国家的每一个角落。
- The prospecting team has traversed the length and breadth of the land. 勘探队踏遍了祖国的山山水水。
- They searched the length and breadth of the country but never found him. 他们搜遍了整个国家,但从没找到过他。
- They have travelled the length and breadth of Europe giving concerts. 他们为举行音乐会走遍了欧洲各地。
- He travelled the length and breadth of the country raising funds for the party. 他走遍全国各地为政党筹募经费。
- Then follows the length and breadth in leagues. 随后用哩格记载着它的广袤。
- Mr. Smith has traveled through the length and breadth of his country. 史密斯先生走遍了他的国家。
- He traveled the length and breadth of the country raising funds for the party. 他走遍全国为该政党筹集经费。
- He measured the length and breadth of the north gate of the outer court. 看,在外院有一座面朝北的门楼。他量了门楼的宽和长。
- He owned several bikes and had cycled the length and breadth of the country. 他有好几辆自行车,还骑车跑遍了全国。
- The news of a bumper harvest has spread over the length and breadth of the country. 丰收喜讯传遍了全国。
- Farmers' preferences for a companion cereal vary over the length and breadth of the country. 全国各地牧场对套种谷物的选择都不相同。
- The length and breadth of the whole realm of science is open for our youth to explore and conquer. 青年们可以在广阔的科学领域里纵横驰骋。
- Matsunami towering old trees here TaotaoCloud wind around cave pagoda, the length and breadth of Guaishi rugged, Huguangshanse Weimiaoweixiao. 这里古树参天松浪涛涛,岩洞宝塔云雾缭绕,怪石嶙峋星罗棋布,湖光山色惟妙惟肖。
- Will his vouchers vouch him no more of his purchases, and double ones too, than the length and breadth of a pair of indentures? 现在他的脑壳里塞满了泥土,这就算是他所取得的罚款和最后的赔偿了吗?
- Throughout the length and breadth of the land,people were shivering in ill-heated houses as they read the morning papers,ate their breakfasts,and grumbled about the weather. 全国各地的人们在冰冷的房子里读晨报,进早餐,抱怨天气,都冻得发抖。
- His was as Irish a face as could be found in the length and breadth of the homeland he had left so long ago--round, high colored, short nosed, wide mouthed and belligerent. 他那张纯粹爱尔兰型的脸,同他已离别多年的故乡的那些脸一模一样,是圆圆的、深色的、短鼻子,宽嘴巴,满脸好战的神情。
- Over the years a large number of models became available and coupled with extensive reach their miniatures were soon available across the length and breadth of the country. 数年间,庞大数量的模型上市,通过广大的销售网,这些微型模型很快就在全国的各个角落面市。