- The Least Square Evaluation of Radial Circular Run-Out Error and Imitati on Analysis in the Rectangular Coordinates 直角坐标采样时单一基准径向圆跳动误差的最小二乘评定法与仿真分析
- The least square evaluation and the minimum zone evaluation of the coaxial error and simulation analysis in the rectangular coordinates 直角坐标采样时同轴度误差的最小二乘及最小区域评定法与仿真分析
- the least square evaluation 最小二乘估计
- C1 is obtained using the least square method. C1 被获得使用最没有正直的方法。
- The definition of conicity of a cone is presented.The least square evaluation method for conicity given coning is introduced. 给出了圆锥面锥形度的定义,介绍了给定锥度的锥形度最小二乘评定计算方法。
- Then, with the least square solution as the initial value, the whole implementation process of the genetic algorithm in the circularity evaluation is dwelt on. 然后根据尺寸和公差的数学定义给出满足最小区域条件的圆度公差评定的数学模型和适应度函数。
- The mathematical models of the orthographic least square evaluation andthe minimum condition evaluation are set up in this paper, The method of getting sampleddata is briefly represented. 建立了面对面对称度误差的正交最小二乘评定数学模型和最小条件评定数学模型。简要地叙述了获得采样数据的方法。
- She met his father's appeal none the less squarely. 她还是毫不妥协地面对父亲的呼吁。
- He seated himself by the little square table on the verandah. 他在廊子下面的小方桌前坐了下来。
- This paper regards decision tree as basic classifier, and introduces the least square technology for linear fusion. 以决策树作为基本分类器,引入最小二乘技术进行多分类器线性融合。
- Secondly, the surface smoothness is adjusted by introducing the fairing criteria into the least square function. 然后将光顺准则加权到最小二乘函数中调节曲面光顺程度;
- Importing the least square thought, an optimization model was constructed correspondingly and solved by SUMT method. 利用最小二乘法的思想,将原问题转化为相应的数学优化模型,采用惩罚函数法对其求解。
- The little girl drew a square on the paper. 小女孩在纸上画了一个正方形。
- And the least Square Fit is applied to calibrate a series of parameters automatically. 采用最小二乘拟合算法,通过计算机实现滤波器的自动校准。
- The formula for estimation the oversaturation is established by using the least square method. 并用最小二乘法得到了过饱和度的估算公式,从而为今后过饱和度在线软测量提供理论依据。
- Experimental results calculated by the Least Square Method hasbeen performed with laser airborne particle counter. 文中给出了用最小二乘法对国产激光尘埃粒子计数器进行标定的实验结果。
- But combination of some coefficients in the least square equations can lead to a serious accumulation errors. 但线对法求解晶胞参数时,最小二乘方程的某些系数组合可使误差严重积累。
- I have not the least idea about how to play bridge. 我一点儿不知道怎样打桥牌。
- I was not surprised in the least. 我一点也不感到惊讶。
- In order to accelerate the convergence speed of the CGA, the least square approach is introduced and then a fast compact genetic algorithm (fCGA) is proposed. 同时,为了加快压缩遗传算法的收敛速度,引入最小二乘方法对概率矩阵的元素值进行估计,提出了快速压缩遗传算法。