- These practices are irreconcilable with the law of the Church. 这种做法与教规是相悖的。
- We are subject to the law of the land. 我们须遵守当地的法律。
- To obey the laws of the U-nited States. 遵守美国的法律。
- Who enforces the laws of the county? 问:谁执行县的法律?
- Do you know the laws of the game? 你知道这项比赛的规则吗?
- She went to read the law of the US. 她准备就读美国法律专业。
- Your behaviour contravened the law of the country. 你的行为触犯了这个国家的法律。
- The success was because in those days, there were no betting-shops. The law of the land said you could only bet at a racecourse. 成功的秘诀是由于在那个时候没有赌场。当时的法律规定只能在赛马场下赌。
- The church supper is the grandfather of the country club. 教堂的晚餐聚会是乡间俱乐部的前身。
- He cites as an example the teaching of the laws of motion in physics, which he says are accessible at an early age when a computer is used to assist in the instruction. 他援引教授物理学方面的一些运动定律为例,说明当计算机用于辅助教学时,学生在幼年就能够理解这些定律。
- A faculty granted by the pope to deviate from the common law of the Church. 特许由教皇特批的超越一般宗教法则的特权
- He has been a pillar of the Church all his life. 他一生都是教会的热心支持者。
- This has rewritten one of the laws of biology. 它改写了生物学的一条定律。
- Will you obey the laws of the U.S. 你会遵守美国法律吗?
- I met that person at the porch of the church. 我是在教堂的门廊处遇到那个人的。
- We are subject to the laws of the country. 我们受国家法律的约束。
- The entire fabric of the church needs renovation. 这座教堂的全部结构需要维修翻新。
- The lame walked, the blind saw, the sick were healed, the dead were raised, daemons were expelled, and the laws of Nature were frequently suspended for the benefit of the church. 瘸子可以走路,盲人可以复明,病人可以康复,死者可以复生,魔鬼可以驱走,只要对教堂有利,自然法则就经常失去作用。
- We must conform to the laws of the country. 我们必须遵守国家的法律。
- The law of the fang is not repealed. 弱肉强食的规律并没有过时哩。