- That were built during the late Qing Dynasty. 大多数还都是清朝末年建造的。
- the late Qing Dynasty navy 晚清海军
- Liu Yishun is an elitist in the folk religious world in the late Qing Dynasty. 刘仪顺是晚清民间宗教世界中的一位杰出人物。
- the Navy in the late Qing Dynasty 晚清海军
- As an active advocator of Wuehaoxue during the late Qing dynasty, Zhang Tai-yan had keen interest in Weijin literature. 摘要作为清末民初时期“五朝学”的积极提倡者,章太炎对于魏晋文学表现出极大的关注。
- This cultural conflict is a determiner for the failure of political reformation in the late Qing Dynasty. 这种文化冲突决定著晚清政治改革的失败命运。
- Expecting to invigorate the empire, the late Qing Dynasty carried out the risky reform of anguish and travail. 带着振兴帝国的希望,晚清教育踏上了艰难、痛苦而又充满风险的改革征程。
- Zhao Binglin was an imperial remonstrator who was influential in political arena during the late Qing Dynasty. 赵炳麟是晚清政坛上具有重要影响的言官。
- These ideas with didacticism make them to be the torchbearers of legal reform in the late Qing Dynasty. 这些富有启蒙意义的思想,使他们成为晚清法律改革的启蒙者。
- Since the Taiping Rebellion, the local bureaucracy institution had a great transformation in the late Qing Dynasty. 摘要太平天国革命爆发以后,清代地方官僚体制发生了重大变化,旧的官僚体制逐渐被新的制度因素所替代。
- The main current of the culture is from the West to China in the cultural intercommunion in the Late Qing Dynasty. 晚清中西文化交流的主潮流向是从西方流向中国。
- Long Qirui and and his son Long Jidong held a place in Ci circles of the late Qing Dynasty. 摘要龙启瑞、龙继栋父子在晚清词坛上占有一席之地。
- As a great Confucianist at the late Qing Dynasty,Zeng Guo-fan was deeply contaminated by Chinese traditional culture. 曾国藩作为晚清大儒、深受中国传统文化之浸润。
- The incompetence of the government of the late Qing dynasty made us cede territories and pay indemnities again and again. 晚清政府的无能使得我们一再的割地、赔款。
- The modern image of China was not created by the government of the late Qing Dynasty,nor by the northern warlords,nor by Chiang Kai-shek and his son. 中国今天的形象,不是晚清政府、不是北洋军阀、也不是蒋氏父子创造出来的。
- In the 2,100 years (221BC-1911) from the Qin Dynasty to the late Qing Dynasty, the 27 appearances of Halley's comet were all recorded in China. 从秦代到清末的二千一百多年间,哈雷彗星出现27次,中国都有记录。
- Xugu was a great master both in ideology and artistic individuality in the Shanghai school of art of the late Qing Dynasty. 虚谷是晚清上海画派中无论思想还是艺术个性都极为鲜明的大家。
- The oral tradition and culture of storytelling's marketplace influence it, as well as the judder of social thought of the the late Qing Dynasty. 既受到口头文学和书场文化的影响,也受到晚清社会思想变化的推动。
- Wang Xingshan was a poet in the late Qing Dynasty in Qin County, Changzhi, Shanxi, who once served as an officer in Yunnan, Jiangsu and so on. 摘要王省山是山西长治市沁县清末诗人,曾任云南、江苏等地五县县令。
- From the late Qing dynasty, there are many talents in Hunan.But only ones who got much achievements in politic, are known by people. 摘要晚清以来,湖湘人才辈出,但为世人所知的大多是一些在政坛上建立了不朽功业的人。