- The Land Use Rights System Research in Comparative Perspective 比较法视野中的土地利用权利体系研究
- Any foreign business involved in mining shall apply for and acquire the land use right according to law. 外商投资开采矿产资源,应当依法申请并取得土地使用权。
- The original owner of the land use right is the mortgagor and themortgage holder is the mortgagee. 原拥有土地使用权的一方称为抵押人,抵押债权人称为抵押权人。
- Where the taxpayer that holds the land use right is not domiciled at the locality of the land, the custodian or actual user thereof shall pay the tax. 拥有土地使用权的纳税人不在土地所在地的,由代管人或实际使用人纳税;
- The original owner of the land use right is the transferor and theparty that receives the land use right is the transferee. 原拥有土地使用权的一方称为转让人,接受土地使用权的一方称为受让人。
- All practices of transferring the land use right of a piece of land inside the territory of the SEZ by inviting tenders shall be conducted according to the present Measures. 对滥用职权,徇私舞弊的,视情节轻重,分别给予批评或行政处分,直至提交司法部门依法处理。
- Land usufruct is the purpose of land use right. 摘要土地收益权是土地使用权的目的。
- Article 55 Construction units that have obtained State-owned land by paid leasing can use the land only after paying the land use right leasing fees and other fees and expenses according to the standards and ways prescribed by the State Council. 第五十五条以出让等有偿使用方式取得国有土地使用权的建设单位,按照国务院规定的标准和办法,缴纳土地使用权出让金等土地有偿使用费和其他费用后,方可使用土地。
- The foreign-invested enterprises that obtain the land use right by means of transfer or lease modes will no longer pay the site using fees. 十六、外商投资企业以出让、租赁等有偿方式取得土地使用权的,不再另行交纳场地使用费。
- In addition to obtaining the land use right pursuant to the provisions of this chapter, wholly foreign-owned enterprises may acquire such right pursuant to other regulations of China. 外资企业除依照本章规定取得土地使用权外,还可以依照中国其他法规的规定取得土地使用权。
- The ownership of an unregistered building and of the land use right shall be determined on the basis of the approval document for the land use right, and other relevant evidence, as well. 未登记的建筑物和土地使用权,依据土地使用权的审批文件和其他相关证据确定权属。
- Article 4. The land administrations of the people's governmentsabove the county level shall control and supervise in accordancewith law the transferring, leasing and mortgaging of land use right. 第四条县级以上人民政府土地管理部门依法对土地使用权转让、出租、抵押活动进行管理和监督检查。
- We turn first to land, watch Aetna Group of the land is legally acquired land use rights. 我们先看批地,看安泰集团这块土地是不是合法取得土地使用权。
- Land use rights comprise land use fees paid for the rights to use the land where the Group's premises in jiangyin of the PRC are located. 土地使用权包含集团在中国江阴建设房屋连同地基所使用的土地而支付的土地使用费.
- The Materialisation of the Contracted Land Operation Right and the Establishment of the Agricultural Land Use Right System 土地承包经营权物权化与农地使用权制度的确立
- Me: I brought the land use contract. 我埋头找那个土地承包合同,却一时找不到。
- Plant area: 81,000 M2, of which , the construction area is 19,000 M2. The land using rights of an area of 64619.9 M2 were obtained in the way of remise. 厂区占地面积:8.;1万平方米,建筑面积1
- Land use right may be transferred by law. 土地使用权可以依法转让。
- If after sale of land use rights collateral, the bank once exercise Mortgages, together with the land use rights to land new housing auction houses will face a situation of the Housing landless. 如将土地使用权抵押后再预售,银行一旦行使抵押权,将该土地使用权连同土地上新增房屋一起拍卖,买房人将面临有房无地的处境。
- China's Ministry of Finance (MOF) clarified that whether foreign-invested enterprises must pay land use fees should depend on the circumstances how the land use rights are acquired. 中国财政部明确,外商投资企业是否缴纳场地使用费,应当区别土地使用权取得的不同情况而定。