- He is a member of the Labor Party. 他是一名工党党员。
- The Labor Party came into power in 1945. 1945年工党上台执政。
- The merchant could only pay the laborer in driblets. 那商人只能零星地付给那工人工钱。
- He raised some proposals to reform the Labor Party. 他提出了一些改革工党的建议。
- A Study of Labor Relations of State Owned Enterprises under the New Situation: An Analysis From The Perspective of The Laborer Stratum 新时期国有企业劳动关系研究:一个劳动者视角的分析
- The labor Party snarled up the opposition in an election. 劳工党工竞选中搞乱了反对党阵线。
- The laborer is worthy of his hire. 一份劳力,一份代价。
- the laborer stratum 劳动者
- How did you spend the Labor Day? 你是怎样度过这个节日的?
- He isn't anything in the Labor Government. 他在工党政府里不是什么举足轻重的人物。
- "Productive labor" in the labor value of K.Marx. 马克思劳动价值论中的“生产劳动”
- The labor cost will be increased. 劳动力成本将增高。
- Jack is a card-carrying member of the Labor Party. 杰克是一位正牌的工党党员。
- The banking lobby; the labor lobby. 银行游说团; 劳工游说团
- The labor movement supported the bill. 工会支持本法案。
- Field work by the labor, the mechanization of all. 田间劳作也由人工,全部机械化了。
- According to the Labor shrills who post here, yes. 您要发布帖子的论坛是一个新闻组论坛。
- But the labor unions rejected the offer. 但是工会组织反对这项提议。
- Both work with speed, their skilful hands move rapidly, and the excitement of the contest makes the labor light. 两人都干得很快,她们的巧手飞速地运动着,由于比赛带来的兴奋使她们不感到活儿很累。
- The cardinal idea of the Labor Party's political thought is that all people should be equal. 工党政治思想的要点是人人平等。