- the keeping of customs revenue 关款保管问题
- The keeping of the house proved to be a handful for her. 管家对她来说真是桩难事。
- He has always flown in the face of custom. 他一向公然违抗习俗。
- The keeping of engagements had not as yet been a conspicuous feature in the life of young Val Dartie. 践约在小法尔·达尔第的生活里还没有成为怎样的大事。
- The donjon keep of d'Etampes is a specimen of it. 埃唐普城堡的主塔便是一个样品。
- A record is kept of all the firm's transactions. 公司的一切交易都有记载。
- It may lead to the keeping of a diary, to getting psychoanalyzed, or perhaps to, becoming a monk. 它可以鼓励你记日记,把自己作心理分析,或者去做修士。
- Circumcision is nothing, and uncircumcision is nothing, but what matters is the keeping of the commandments of God. 林前7:19受割礼算不得甚麽、不受割礼也算不得甚麽、只要守神的诫命就是了。
- Circumcision is nothing, and uncircumcision is nothing, but the keeping of the commandments of God. 受割礼算不得什么,不受割礼也算不得什么。只要守神的诫命就是了。
- a pledge of customs revenue to fund government notes 用关税收入作为政府发行钞票的担保
- Keeping of the tool of B.B.Q room, Prevent lose. 做好烧烤间一切工具的保管,防止流失。
- A flock of customers waited for the store to open. 一群顾客等著商店开门。
- This is a mode of settlement for a trade that requires the keeping of monies in trust by a third-party intermediary (a bank). 一种交易结算方式,要求将资金交由第三方中介(银行)托管。
- The current joint liability system of our country is extremely full to the keeping of the obligee behoof,but the joint liability guarantee of personal rights lacks very. 我国现行连带责任制度对债权人利益的保护极为充分,但对债务人即连带责任人的权利保障却十分欠缺。
- The Issue of the Lodging of Customs Revenue During the Northern Warlords Period 略议北洋政府时期的关款存放问题
- And they are able to say, if they would give witness, that I was living as a Pharisee, in that division of our religion which is most regular in the keeping of the law. 他们若肯作见证、就晓得我从起初、是按著我们教中最严紧的教门、作了法利赛人。
- In suitable localities, the keeping of herds led to a pastoral life: the Semites lived upon the grassy plains of the Euphrates and Tigris, and the Aryans upon those of India and of the Oxus and Jaxartes, of the Don and the Dnieper. 畜群的形成,在适于畜牧的地方导致了游牧生活:闪米特人在幼发拉底河和底格里斯河的草原上,雅利安人在印度、以及奥克苏斯河及亚克萨尔特河、顿河和德聂伯河的草原上。
- A record is kept of all the firm rs transactions. 公司的一切交易都有记载。
- Yeshua challenged the religious people concerning the keeping of their traditions, from the practice of ceremonial hand washing to the matter of “Corban” and to “many such things” in V13. 1有法利赛人和几个文士从耶路撒冷来,到耶稣那里聚集。2他们曾看见他的门徒中有人用俗手,就是没有洗的手,吃饭。
- Simplification of Customs Procedures b. 简化进出口海关程序。