- the keeping of Christmas 过圣诞节
- The keeping of the house proved to be a handful for her. 管家对她来说真是桩难事。
- I am the Ghost of Christmas Past. “我是以前的圣诞鬼魂。”
- The prospect of Christmas left the children agog. 对圣诞节的憧憬使得孩子们兴奋不已
- The streets were full of Christmas shoppers. 街上挤满了为圣诞节采购的人。
- The keeping of engagements had not as yet been a conspicuous feature in the life of young Val Dartie. 践约在小法尔·达尔第的生活里还没有成为怎样的大事。
- It may lead to the keeping of a diary, to getting psychoanalyzed, or perhaps to, becoming a monk. 它可以鼓励你记日记,把自己作心理分析,或者去做修士。
- Heres the meaning of Christmas in a nutshell. 简单说,圣诞节的意义是
- Circumcision is nothing, and uncircumcision is nothing, but what matters is the keeping of the commandments of God. 林前7:19受割礼算不得甚麽、不受割礼也算不得甚麽、只要守神的诫命就是了。
- The holy tide of Christmas all other doth deface. 圣诞节的圣潮,其他的一切将被感染。
- Circumcision is nothing, and uncircumcision is nothing, but the keeping of the commandments of God. 受割礼算不得什么,不受割礼也算不得什么。只要守神的诫命就是了。
- This is the spiritual message of Christmas. 这就是圣诞节的意义所在。
- A record is kept of all the firm's transactions. 公司的一切交易都有记载。
- This is a mode of settlement for a trade that requires the keeping of monies in trust by a third-party intermediary (a bank). 一种交易结算方式,要求将资金交由第三方中介(银行)托管。
- The third purpose of Christmas is reconciliation! 圣诞节的第三个目的是和解。
- The celebration of Christmas is a custom. 庆祝耶诞节是一种风俗。
- The current joint liability system of our country is extremely full to the keeping of the obligee behoof,but the joint liability guarantee of personal rights lacks very. 我国现行连带责任制度对债权人利益的保护极为充分,但对债务人即连带责任人的权利保障却十分欠缺。
- May the kind of Christmas outshine all the rest. 愿你今年的圣诞比往年更璀璨。
- And they are able to say, if they would give witness, that I was living as a Pharisee, in that division of our religion which is most regular in the keeping of the law. 他们若肯作见证、就晓得我从起初、是按著我们教中最严紧的教门、作了法利赛人。
- I love the hustle and bustle of Christmas. 我爱死了圣诞节时闹哄哄的感觉。