- There, the invasion of Iraq was unpopular from the start. 他们从一开始就反对入侵伊拉克。
- The invasion of Iraq was in violation of the U. N. Charter. 对伊拉克的入侵违反了联合国宪章。
- More recently the Arabs have been buffeted by the invasion of Iraq. 最近,阿拉伯人又因为入侵伊拉克而受到打击。
- We did not support the invasion of Kuwait by Iraq. 我们不支持伊拉克入侵科威特。
- British leaders have stated that the Invasion of Iraq was perhaps the worst international policy that they agreed unto. 英国领导者也已经声明,入侵伊拉克也许是他们所同意过的最糟糕的国际方针。
- Dr Salam Ismael, now 28 years old, was head of junior doctors in Baghdad before the invasion of Iraq. 萨拉姆。伊斯梅尔医生,现年28岁,在伊拉克被入侵前是巴格达年轻医生的领导人。
- People such as Mr Allawi, who put their faith in the invasion of Iraq, are entitled to feel betrayed. 像阿拉维一样信任对于伊拉克的侵略的人,有权感到被背叛。
- On military,he has opposed the invasion of Iraq from start,but he is far from dove. 在军事上,虽然他坚定地反对入侵伊拉克,但他并不是一个鸽派人物。
- During the invasion of Iraq in 2003, America's marines often found themselves outrunning their fuel supplies. 2003年入侵伊拉克期间,美国海军陆战队经常发现自己没了燃料供应。
- The country was one of just three to send troops for the invasion of Iraq in 2003. 澳大利亚是2003年三个向伊拉克派遣部队入侵伊拉克的国家之一。
- Dr Salam Ismael, now 28 years old, was head of junior doctors in Baghdad before the invasion of Iraq. Salam Ismael医生,现年28岁,在伊拉克被入侵前是巴格达年轻医生的领导人。
- An inquiry into the Netherlands' support for the invasion of Iraq says it was not justified by UN resolutions. 一个调查荷兰对入侵伊拉克支持情况的调查团称,根据联合国决议,这是不公平的。
- The French, scorned for opposing the invasion of Iraq in 2003, have been gloriously rehabilitated. 法国因反对2003年入侵伊拉克而备受奚落,如今已大有好转。
- The stockmarket began its long rally just days before the invasion of Iraq in March 2003. 证券市场在03年三月伊战爆发前加开始了漫长的复苏过程。
- Mr da Silva denounces the invasion of Iraq, yearns for a “new geography” that would dilute American power and has resisted the FTAA. 卢拉总统谴责美国入侵伊拉克。并盼望出现一个“新的局面”,削弱美国的权力。巴西拒绝加入美洲自由贸易区。
- The concept of a "multipolar" world to counter the United States is dear to Chirac, and he made it come alive with the French-led opposition to the invasion of Iraq. 希拉克十分重视能对美国起到牵制作用的“多极世界”的理念,由法国领导的反“伊战”同盟便是它的一个重要体现。
- More perplexing are the results of another poll by YouGov, which show that confidence in almost every area of public life has fallen since the invasion of Iraq in 2003. 还有更头痛的事儿呢:尤各夫的另一项民调表明,自2003年入侵伊拉克以来,民众对公众生活方方面面的信心几乎都在下滑。
- Recriminations over the invasion of Iraq will linger, even though America has rediscovered merit in multilateralism after its Mesopotamian misadventures. 即使美国在美索不达米亚的灾难后重新认识到了多边主义的优点,对其的入侵伊拉克的指控仍然没有消失。
- Last month, the Freedom of Information tribunal ordered the release of papers from two Cabinet sessions held in March 2003, at which the invasion of Iraq war's discussed. 上个月,信息自由法庭下令将2003年3月召开的内阁议会文件公布出来,在会上讨论了美国入侵伊拉克的战争。
- Now, however, over a year after the invasion of Iraq and the “victory of Baghdad,” the plans of these would-be imperialist are not working out so well. 然而,在入侵伊拉克和“巴格达大捷”一年多之后,这些妄图以帝国主义者坐大的计划并没有得到兑现。