- Modern Social Survey and the Innovation of Methods for It 论现代社会调查研究及其方法的创新
- The innovation of air travel has made the world seem smaller. 空中飞行似乎使世界变小了。
- This is the innovation of banking payment and clearing system. 这是银行支付结算系统的创新。
- The innovation of theory rests with the innovation of thinking and method. 理论创新取决于思维和方法创新。
- the innovation of methods 方法创新
- The innovation of air travel during this century has made the world seem smaller. 本世纪空中旅行的革新使世界似乎变小了。
- The methods of meta-analysis have showed that these methods retard the innovation of theory and the development of cumulative knowledge in psychology. 元分析方法已经表明传统的统计方法延缓了心理学理论的创新和知识累积的增长。
- In terms of the form, content and the innovation of the medium. 以媒体的形式,内容和改革创新方面来看。
- Third,the goal of comparative education is to be dediate dto the innovation of national culture and education with more than six specific methods. 其三,比较教育的目的在于致力于本民族的文化创新与教育创新,其具体的方法主要有六种。
- The innovation of disposal methods includes NPAs repackage, NPAs supermarket, Trust disposition, and Assets Securitization,etc. 具体创新方式包括打包处置、不良资产超市、信托处置及不良资产证券化等。
- In the increasingly fierce fights against terrorism and violence, the renewing of directing ideas and the innovation of directing methods are significant and emergent. 在日趋复杂激烈的反恐防暴战斗中,指挥理念的更新和指挥方式的变革显得十分重要和迫切。
- In fact two kinds of methods are the same. 实际上两种方法是一样的。
- Theoretical innovation is omnibearing,including the innovation of concept of education,subject system,contents and method of education,and ... 理论创新是全方位的,包括教育观念、学科体系、教学内容、教育教学方法等的创新。
- The count of methods generated by the JIT compiler. 由JIT编译器生成的方法的计数。
- Researching about the Innovation of Wushu Optional Course in College P.E. 高校公共体育武术选项课开展模式创新之研究。
- The Innovation on the MTBE Unit of Refinery No. 石油二厂MTBE装置工艺技术改造。
- Pragmaticism: Philosophical Foundation for the Innovation of the U.S. 实用主义:美国创新机制的哲学基础。
- The elimination of this phenomenon relies on the innovation of systems. 要逐步消除这一现象,根本在于制度创新。
- The paper puts wad some suggestions on the innovation of logistics financial management in universities in terms of concept, system, content, methods, and restraining mechanism. 但高校后勤财务管理工作在发展中也存在一些问题,针对问题就后勤财务管理工作在理念、体制、内容、方法、手段、制约机制等方面的创新工作提出一些建议。
- Analyzing the innovation of XR Co., adopting Entropy Value Method judging the comprehensive technical innovation ability of XR Co., the grade is ordinary level. 本文通过对XR公司技术创新现状分析,运用熵值法综合评价了XR公司的技术创新能力等级为一般。