- the independence of judicatory 司法独立
- He fought all his life for the independence of his motherland. 他毕生为祖国的独立而奋斗。
- She struggled for the independence of her country all her life. 她为自己祖国的独立而奋斗终身。
- Assist board in assessing the independence of the external auditor. 协助董事会评估外部审计师的独立性。
- Did George Washington declare the independence of Philadelphia? 乔治?华盛顿是在费城宣布独立的吗?
- Announce the independence of the United States from Great Britain. 宣布美国脱离英国独立。
- If her inde-pendence goes,the independence of Holland willfollow. 如果比利时失去独立,荷兰的独立就会跟着丧失。
- This book is no use to me; it only goes down to the independence of the USA. 这本书对我没有用处。它只谈到了美国的独立。
- Has there been any interference in the independence of the Judiciary? 独立的司法制度有没有受到任何干预?
- Long live the independence of Corsica, France pigs get out of the Earth. 科西嘉独立万岁,法国猪滚出地球。
- The essence of priority is to question the independence of equality. 优先性的实质是对平等价值独立性的质疑。
- He drew up the declaration of the independence. 他起草了独立宣言。
- It allows us complete financial autonomy, and the independence of our monetary system. 我们也可以享有全面的财政自主权和拥有独立货币制度。
- Existing independently of the mind. 客观的,物质的与精神无关的
- They brazenly tore up the 17-Article Agreement and declared "the independence of Tibet," launching a full-scale armed rebellion against the motherland. 他们公开撕毁“十七条协议”,宣布“西藏独立”,全面发动了背叛祖国的武装叛乱。
- The reason which created noble bachelordom is the independence of economy, selfhood, and emotion. 单身贵族产生的原因在于经济上的独立、人格上的独立以及感情上的独立。
- The UN was a promoter of the great movement of decolonization, which led to the independence of more than 80 nations. 联合国曾是非殖民化伟大运动的推动者,使80多个国家赢得了独立。
- The UN was a promoter of the great movement of decolonization,which led to the independence of more than 80 nations. 联合国曾是非殖民化伟大运动的推动者,使80多个国家赢得了独立。
- Marxism believes that the world exists outside us and independently of us. 马克思主义认为世界存在于我们之外,而且独立于我们而存在。
- The independence of the country from its colonialists is at issue in the Revolutionary War. 这个国家能否从它的殖民主义者手下独立出来要靠革命战争来解决。