- Climbing to the highest point and looking into the distance, one can see the immensity of the universe. 登极远望,只见天高云厚。
- The immensity of the task gives one pause. 任务的艰巨提供了推迟的理由
- We have no intuitive grasp of the immensity of time. 我们对时间的无限没有什么直观的认识。
- As a child he was awed by the immensity of the outer space. 还是一个孩子的时候,他就对外太空的浩渺感到敬畏了。
- The sea is the immensity of wretchedness. 海,就是无边的苦难。
- It is absurd to look for a well, at random, in the immensity of the desert. 想在一望无际的沙漠之中,去找一口井,可真是难上加难。
- "The immensity of the Universe in all its glory is but the dense manifestation of thought within God or the Universal Mind and is also the descent of the Eternal Ideation into matter. “宇宙的浩瀚在所有他的荣耀中,仅是上帝内在思想的致密化的显现,也是永恒的思想降低成为物质。”
- We begin to plumb the mysteries of the universe. 我们开始探索宇宙的奥秘。
- With a final realization of the immensity of her love and the piteous plight it had brought upon her. 克莱终于理解到她那无边的爱和这悲惨的婚约给她带来的是什么。
- No pictures ever taken can convey more than a hint of the magnificence and the immensity of the Great Wall. 不管什么照片,充其量也只能反映出长城宏伟壮观景象的一斑而已。
- It is hard to imagine the scale of the universe. 很难想像宇宙有多大。
- Such analogies help us visualize the immensity of the information explosion and ratify the concerns that come with it. 这样的类比;形象地展现了信息爆炸的规模;并促使我们正视它带来的问题.
- I can't imagine the immensity of space. 我想象不出太空的浩瀚无际。
- Today we will ride the gondola to the top of the Sulphur Mountain to experience the immensity of the Rocky Mountain. 早上前往班夫镇搭乘缆车登上硫磺山,感受洛矶山脉磅礡的气势,偶尔还可在山顶上见到松鼠及大角羊的踪迹。
- The depth of the universe is immeasurable. 宇宙无限深广。
- Soon I felt engulfed in the immensity of the plain, lost in gazing upon it as one feels lost in gazing on sea. 不久我就觉得被这一望无垠的平原所吞没,凝视着它就像凝视着大海那样,使人迷茫。
- He was scratching his head like a man awed by the sudden realization of the immensity of the world. 他像一个突然领悟了世界宏大的成年人般,变得心存敬畏。
- The Earth is only one of the numerous planets in the universe. 地球只是宇宙中众多星球中的一个。
- The immensity of the universe which is Beyond the comprehension of the ignorant 天高地厚
- In all honesty , I have struggled with the immensity of this task. 说实话,我已竭尽全力来应付这一艰巨任务。