- The gold watch went to the highest bidder. 那只金表卖给了出价最高的买主
- I am currently the highest bidder for your shirt. 我目前是你那件衬衫的最高出价者。
- What was the highest bid for the painting? 这幅画的最高竞价是多少?
- Our declaration was the highest bid. 我们的报价最高。
- The gold watch goes to the highest bidder. 金表由出价最高的人买得。
- The lot are sold to the highest bidder. 这批货卖给出价最高的人。
- The worker bargained his services to the highest bidder. 讨价还价后这名工人受雇于出价最高的雇主。
- A selling of property to the highest bidder; an auction. 拍卖把货物卖给出价最高的人;拍卖
- This painting is knocked down to the highest bidder. 这幅画已卖给出价最高的人。
- Few men have the virtue to withstand the highest bidder. 很少人有这个德行去抵挡出价最高的人。
- Many of these pimps are on sale to the highest bidder. 这种眼线很多都是把自己卖给价钱出得最高的人的。
- An additional hand of cards dealt face down in some card games, to be used by the highest bidder. 守寡牌某些扑克游戏中反扣在桌上的多余的一把牌,供数值最大的叫牌者用
- The lease is given to the highest bidder after an auction process. 拍卖后,租给出价最高者。
- TV franchises will be auctioned to the highest bidder. 电视特许经营权将拍卖给出价最高的投标人。
- Auction, a public sale of property to the highest bidder. 拍卖,就是把财产卖给出价最高的竞买人的一种公开的销售方式。
- The process of selling property to the highest bidder. 将物业卖给出价最高者的过程。
- Egan: We sold our shields off to the highest bidder. 吉米.伊根:我们把我们的保护者卖给了出价最高的那个人。
- Jimmy Egan: We sold our shields off to the highest bidder. 吉米。伊根:我们把我们的保护者卖给了出价最高的那个人。
- We cabled her to make the highest bid for the ancient painting. 我们拍电报要她出高价收购那幅古画。
- The house went to the highest bidder(= the person who offered the most money). 房子卖给了出价最高的人。