- The heel and toe of Italy was called Magna Graecia. 意大利的脚跟和脚尖部分被称为大希腊。
- the heel and malleolu 足跟及足踝部
- He held him by the heels and slapped him. 他一手提着孩子的脚后跟,一手拍他。
- He turned on his heel and left the room. 他转过身去,离开了房间。
- Firstly, stepping on an anti-personnel landmine at the heel and secondly, at the ball of the foot. 首先,脚后跟踏雷,其次,脚掌触雷。
- Counters provide support and help the upper wrap around the foot. They also help protect the heel and toes from impact. 垫板提供支撑,协助鞋面环绕在脚的周围。它们也能帮助保护脚跟和脚尖免受冲击。
- There is a hole in the heel of one of your socks. 你一只袜子的後跟有个洞。
- A counter may be used to stiffen the material around the heel and to give support to the foot. 鞋后踵可用来固定鞋后跟,以支撑足部。
- I scuff the heel of my boot on the step. 我的靴子后跟在台阶上磨坏了。
- Need shoes manufactured made with extra padding in the heel and ball of the feet area for comfort. Istanbul and Spain. 需求可以制造舒适的在脚跟和脚球有填充物的鞋子,主要在伊斯坦布尔和西班牙销售。
- I scuffed the heel of my boot on the step. 我的靴子後跟在台阶上磨坏了。
- The soft blue "dot" in this ? insole create a softer durometer in the heel and metatarsal areas to help relieve pressure and enhance comfort.Use in dress or athletic shoes. 蓝色软硅脂底位于跖骨和跟部区域,占鞋底部四分之三,帮助减轻压力,提高舒适度.;可使用于运动鞋。
- Terra Hex lining in the heel and forefoot displaces strikes from sharp terrain, a wide toe box won't destroy your toes even when you're cruising downhill. 大地六角衬里的脚后跟和前脚取代罢工从急剧地形,大脚趾方块不会破坏你的脚趾头,即使您巡航下坡。
- She suddenly turned on her heel and left the house. 她突然急转身,离开那房子。
- The recession trod on the heels of the oil crisis. 经济萧条紧随着石油危机而来。
- Get your shoes heeled and soled here. 把你鞋子在这里换底加跟。
- I scuffed the heel of my shoe on the stonework. 我的鞋跟儿给铺好的石头磨坏了。
- She pivoted on her heels and swept out. 她一转身,匆匆走了出去。
- Heavy rain came on the heels of the lightening. 大雨紧跟着闪电而来。
- Both families are reasonably well heeled and comfortably off. 两家人都相当有钱,生活都过得很舒适。