- the guiding principle of CPC 党的指导思想
- This decision, once reached, would be the guiding principle of the war until Germany was defeated. 此项决心一经确定,直须至击溃德军为止,始终作为战争的指导原则。
- We are a nation that must adhere to the guiding principle of socialism and four modernizations. 译:我们这个国家必须坚持社会主义和四个现代化的基本方针。
- Article 2 The State adheres to the guiding principle of taking agriculture as the foundation in developing the national economy. 第二条 国家坚持以农业为基础发展国民经济的方针。
- Article 2 The State adheres to the guiding principle of taking agriculture as the foundation in developing the national economy. 第二条 国家坚持以农业为基础发展国民经济的方针。
- Method: A accelerated test was used according to "the Guiding Principle of Pharmaceutical stability Test" of Chinese Pharmacopoeia , 2000 ed. 方法:按中国药典2000年版“药物稳定性试验指导原则”的要求采用加速试验法。
- In the international arena China should adhere to the guiding principle of paying equal attention to opposing hegemonism and international terrorism. 中国在国际舞台上应该坚持反对霸权主义与反对国际恐怖主义幷重的方针。
- It is to point to inside certain period, directive bldg. develops directional, the guiding principle of global sex and ruse. 它是指在一定时期内,指导建筑业发展的方向性的、全局性的方针与谋略。
- The country holds to region economy clearly also to coordinate development, the guiding principle of difference of progressively and contractible area. 国家也明确了坚持区域经济协调发展,逐步缩小区域差距的方针。
- In its pursuit of excellence, the guiding principle of Tsit Wing is to respond swiftly to changing consumer expectations and customizing its service to meet customers' needs. 在追求卓越品质的同时,捷荣积极回应消费者多变的期望,并不断优化其服务及产品的质素,以满足客户的要求。
- The guiding principle of practicing strict economy and building up the country through thrift and hard work shall be followed in compiling the budgetary expenditures at various levels. 第三十条各级预算支出的编制,应当贯彻厉行节约、勤俭建国的方针。
- Review the history of the party, we can see a basic rule: Cut a word into parts to bake paper of Ke of leech cheek Qiang muchs the guiding principle of be practical and realistic of Pan cangue? 回顾党的历史,我们会看到一个基本的规律:什么时候我们坚持解放思想,实事求是的方针,我们的事业就发展,就兴旺;
- Just to coordinate individuals and themselves and others, social relations with the guiding principles of behaviour. 摘要公正是协调个人与自我、他人、社会关系的指导原则与行为规范。
- The formal, guiding principles of a discipline, school, or science. 基本原理一个学科、学派或一门科学的正统的、起指导作用的原则
- He emphatically introduced our country's achievements during the seventh 'Five-year Plan', and the guiding principles of the three steps for achieving modernization. 他着重介绍了我国七五计划的成就,以及分三步实现现代化的纲领。
- This is the guiding principle in our work. 这是我们的指导原则。
- After the Wannan Incident, the Central Gommittee of the CPC took the guiding principle called “political offensive, military defensive” to the diehards of the KMT. 皖南事变发生后,中共中央对国民党顽固派采取了“政治攻势,军事守势”的方针。
- Scientific development view is the new advance of the guiding thought of socialist modernization construction of CPC and without it government reform has no definite direction. 科学发展观是我们党对社会主义现代化建设指导思想的新发展,政府改革离不开科学发展观的正确指导。
- In accordance with the guiding principles of "learning from past mistakes to avoid future ones" and "curing the sickness to save the patient",we should concentrate on helping comrades who have made mistakes to solve their ideological problems. 要根据“惩前毖后”与“治病救人”的方针,帮助犯错误的同志着重从思想上解决问题。
- To take this further,the phenomenon is probably intertwined with the eagerness of some artists for quick success and instant benefits,the demands of the audience,and the guiding principles of the Arts Festival. 深究下去,这个现象和艺术家本身急功近利的思想,和观众对艺术节的要求,还有艺术节的方针都有关系。