- The growth rate of consumption demand has picked up. 消费需求增幅回升。
- The growth rate of seed shoots is higher than corm shoots. 生长过程中,种子繁殖苗的生长速率大于球茎繁殖苗。
- "The growth rate of the world economy has slowed down noticeably. “全世界的经济增长率已明显放缓。
- Despite the price of NAND drops sharply, it still can’t keep up with the growth rate of mainstream storage density. 而NAND不行,尽管NAND的降价速度也很快,但是比不上主流的存储密度的增加速度。
- The growth rate of china's population is the highest in the world. 中国的人口增长率是世界第一。
- Temperature has a large effect on the growth rate of plants. 温度对植物的生长速度起着很大的作用。
- He expresses to investor on telephone conference, future, we will put more advertent power in NAND to shine put supply growth to go up, the growth rate of memory of rein in DRAM. 他在电话会议上向投资者暗示,未来,咱们将把更多的注重力放在NAND闪存供给的增添上,加快DRAM内存的增添速度。
- There was a marked rise in the growth rate of the consumer goods market sales. 消费品市场销售增幅明显回升。
- Q: Will the growth rate of investment in fixed assets top 10 percent this year? 问:今年固定资产投资增长率能否达到百分之十以上?
- In a global information economy, the growth rates of individual countries should converge over time. 在全球性的信息经济中,个别国家的增长率应该随着时间的推移而聚合。
- Organic Growth The growth rate of a company, excluding any growth from takeovers, acquisitions, or mergers. 内部增长一家公司除并购带来的增长以外的增长率。
- The growth rate of the Chinese in Connecticut has fluctuated over the last century due to various different factors. 由于各种因素的影响,上个世纪华人增长率小有波动。
- In 1982, the inflation rate fell substantially below the growth rate of the money supply. 在1982年,通货膨胀率实质上在钱补给的成长率下面跌落。
- In 1985, inflation continued to be high, and to be higher than the growth rate of the nominal money supply. 在1985年,被继续是高的通货膨胀,和比名义上的钱补给的成长率更高。
- The growth rate of GNP(gross national product) per capita for China will be quadrupled by 2000. 到2000年,中国人均国民生产总值的增长率将翻两番。
- The growth rate of GDP in Hunan has accelerated noticeably in the second and third industries in 2007 . 2007年,湖南的第二、三产业增长速度明显加快。
- The results showed that all the submerged macrophytes grew well and the growth rate of Ceratophyllum demersum,with 128. 结果显示:5种沉水植物在春夏季节生长良好;其中金鱼藻生物量增长率最高(春季为128.;88%25;夏季为58
- The growth rate of maleic anhydrite and fumarate from 2001 to 2003 are respectively 20. 2003年我国顺酐、富马酸生产能力增长速度分别为20。
- The growth rate of national income can usually reflect the development rate of the national economy. 国民收入的增长速度,基本上可以反映该国家国民经济的发展速度。
- The price competition declines the ARPU sustainedly, and the growth rate of business income is slowdown. 而非价格行为的品牌策略、渠道策略、组织调整策略和技术创新策略等,加大了竞争程度,在市场竞争中将越来越重要。