- I learned how the good attitude of one person can change the misperception of another. 从中我学习了,一个人的好态度能够改变对方的误会。
- The good they have done for me is beyond measure. 他们对我所做的好事简直无可估量。
- The Good Attitude Value to Brand 品牌美誉度
- Our hearts leaped with joy at the good news. 听到这个好消息我们的心都要高兴得跳出来了。
- She knows why the metal is the good conductor. 她知道金属为什么是好的导体。
- We felt buoyed up by the good news. 我们觉得这个好消息很令人鼓舞。
- He undid most of the good work of his predecessor. 他把前任的大部分业绩毁掉了。
- He is traveling for the good of his health. 他是为自己的健康着想而旅行的。
- I wonder if I am in the good graces of the teacher. 我不知道是否讨老师的喜欢。
- All his life he strove for the good of the people. 他一辈子都为人民的利益而奋斗。
- After hearing the good news, Charles walked on air. 听到这个好消息,查尔斯喜气洋洋。
- Develop a good attitude about tests. 对待考试要有积极的态度。
- The good news pleased the family mightily. 这个好消息使全家人高兴极了。
- She denied herself for the good of her family. 她为了家庭的幸福自己十分节俭。
- He that spare the bad injure the good. 饶恕了恶人,伤害了好人。
- The good news acted as a tonic on us all. 那个好消息让我们大家欢欣鼓舞。
- Because of his hard work and good attitude, he was unbound before his sentence was up. 由於工作努力态度好,他刑满前就被释放了。
- The good news lifted my spirits. 这好消息使我精神大振。
- His spirits rose up at the good news. 一听到这佳音,他心情好转。
- Bob gave his assistant a raise for her hard work and good attitude. Bob替他的助理加薪,因为她的工作认真,态度又很好。