- Moody's said although the global economic slowdown, but Exxon Mobil (XOM. 穆迪称;虽全球经济疲软;但艾克森美孚(XOM.
- The global economic slowdown immediately impinges on Korea as a major exporter. 作为主要出口国,韩国立刻受到全球经济放缓的影响。
- In spite of the global economic slowdown, China's economy has continued to maintain sound development. 尽管全球经济增长放慢,但中国经济继续保持健康增长。
- The shift led some analysts to conclude China was seeking to compensate for the global economic slowdown by devaluing. 这一变动使得一些分析师认为中国正寻求通考试&大过人民币贬值来削弱全球经济放缓带来的影响。
- The global economic slowdown has resulted in the decline in China's foreign trade and halted the trend of export expansion since 1999. 虽然,全球经济放缓导致中国外贸下滑,中断了1999年以来的出口扩张态势。
- However, Kuroda also said the United States from the beginning of the global economic slowdown, the Asian countries is inevitable. 不过,黑田东彦也表示,从美国开始的全球经济减速对于亚洲国家也是不可避免的趋势。
- The GAC attributed the trend partly to the purchase tax cut policy for Chinese consumers who buy small-capacity cars and the global economic slowdown. 海关总署认为,中国汽车进口量的减少,一方面是因为中国政府降低购置税,鼓励消费者购买小排量汽车;
- The global economic slowdown has left political leaders pressured, and it has compelled them to adopt protectionism in trade and finance. 全球经济衰退令政治领导人承受压力,要求他们在贸易和金融领域采取保护主义措施。
- To be sure, the Chinese economy is also hitting a bump this year as export demand evaporates in response to the global economic slowdown. 可以肯定,随着全球经济减速带来的出口需求减少,对今年中国经济同样打击不小。
- First, and least incriminating for Mr.Sarkozy, the credit crunch and the global economic slowdown have undermined his efforts to boost growth and incomes. 首先,至少是信用危机和全球经济增速减缓让萨科奇先生蒙冤,这两只拦路虎使他为繁荣经济和促进收入增长所做出的努力大打折扣。
- Spats over toys, tires and iron ore are stoking tension between China and India, as the two Asian giants try to pry open each other's markets and soften the impact of the global economic slowdown. 玩具、轮胎和铁矿石的争吵正在加剧中国与印度之间的紧张关系,这两个亚洲大国都希望撬开对方的市场,降低全球经济减速造成的冲击。
- Mr Wang, a local steelmaker, says 90 per cent of mills in his Fengrun district of the city closed down in September and October due to the global economic slowdown, which halved the local steel price. 这位当地钢铁厂商表示,由于全球经济放缓,导致国内钢铁价格下跌一半,今年9月至10月,他所在的唐山丰润区90%25的钢铁厂都关闭了。
- China is the only major auto market still growing despite the global economic slowdown, and in the past few months the number of sales in the country has outstripped sales in the U.S. 中国的汽车业可能很快会成为通用汽车和日产汽车等外国汽车厂商的重要出口基地。
- Becomes the global economic engine! 成为全球经济的引擎!
- China's national economy maintained a good momentum of development in the initial year of the new century in spite of global economic slowdown. 新世纪第一年,在世界经济增长明显减速的情况下,我国国民经济继续保持了良好的发展势头。
- Last year: China's economy maintained a good momentum of growth in spite of global economic slowdown. 去年:全球经济增长放缓,中国仍保持良好势头
- The effects of a global economic slowdown would ripple into south-eastern Europe. 全球经济增长放缓的影响将波及到东南欧洲。
- Under the current situation of global economic slowdown, the investment and trade between China and ASEAN continue to maintain significant increases. 在当前全球经济减速情况下,中国与东盟之间的投资和贸易仍保持显著增长。
- Recent political unrest in Thailand coupled with a global economic slowdown has damaged the tourism industry with many hotels reporting cancella-tions. 前一阵的国内骚动和全球经济不景气给泰国的旅游业带来沉重打击,往年游人如织的热闹景象已不复存在。
- Decline in economic growth, low inflation and global economic slowdown for the easing of monetary policy provides a space. 经济增速下滑、通货膨胀走低及全球经济放缓为货币政策放松提供了空间。