- His good manners bespoke the gentleman. 他的彬彬有礼显示他是个绅士。
- The gentleman tapped his stick on the pavement. 那位男士用手杖轻敲人行道。
- I looked up at the gentleman in the clericals. 我抬头看著这位身穿教士服的先生。
- His polite manners bespoke the gentleman. 他那彬彬有礼的举止显出他是个绅士。
- I shall like to introduce to you the gentleman whom I spoke of the other day. 我想把前些天与其谈话的那位绅士介绍给你。
- The gentleman was dressed in Scottish tweeds. 这位绅士穿着以苏格兰粗呢制成的衣服。
- The gentleman gave up his seat to the old woman. 那位先生把座位让给了这个老妇人。
- The gentleman is overcautious in his work. 那位先生在工作中束手束脚。
- The gentleman bore himself with great dignity. 这位绅士举止极为庄重。
- The gentleman is refined in manner. 那位先生举止文雅。
- The gentleman is right. It is from the Bible. 这位先生才对,那句话是出自圣经。
- He bought a jacket at the gentleman's outfitters. 他在那间男装店买了一件夹克。
- His polite manners bespeak the gentleman. 他的彬彬有礼的态度显示出他是个绅士。
- He had to make a lake in the gentleman's park. 他必须在绅士的猎苑里挖一个湖。
- The gentleman glories in his honorable poverty. 君子安贫。
- The gentleman wants to go to the bus stop, Ali. 这位先生要到巴士站,阿里。
- "Hope I see you well, sir," returned the gentleman. “希望你健康,先生,”那位绅士答礼。
- Did you notice the gentleman who has just gone? 你注意到刚才离开的那位先生了吗?
- You mean the gentleman you spoke of yesterday? 你是说那个昨天和你谈话的绅士吗?
- Good manners define the gentleman. 举止高尚是绅士的特质。