- the free play of market forces 市场力量的自由调节作用
- Free play of market forces 市场力量自由发挥作用工业生产
- The Government does not give direct subsidies to the local agriculture and fisheries industries or attempt to protect them from the free operation of market forces. 政府没有向本地渔农业提供直接资助,也没有试图保护业界免受市场力量影响。
- The glad days that dawned gave me liberty for the free play of impulse. 令人愉快的日子刚开始,我的脑子里就产生了可以凭冲动随意做事的自由观念。
- The HKSAR Government does not give direct subsidies to the local agriculture and fisheries industries or attempt to protect them from the free operation of market forces. 香港特别行政区政府并没有向本港的渔农业提供直接资助,也没有保护业界,使它免受自由市场供求力量影响。
- It gives play to the basic role of market forces in allocating resources and works to set up a sound system of macroeconomic regulation. 发挥市场在资源配置中的基础性作用,建立完善的宏观调控体系。
- The last play of the game was a corker. 最後的一场比赛是决胜赛。
- To be more specific, we not only need to have strong micro-level regulative measures, but also we need to give full play to the basic role of market forces in allocating resources. 具体说来,就是不仅要有强有力的宏观调控,而且要充分发挥市场配置资源的基础性作用;
- Multi 10-plate wet clutch uses a new Nissin hydraulic master cylinder for easy, consistent lever pull and automatic adjustment of the free play. 10多片湿式离合器采用了新的日清液压主缸的简单,一致的杠杆拉动和自动调整的**发挥。
- The new shirts in a peculiar fashion made a hit on the free market. 这种式样别致的衬衫在自由市场上很受欢迎。
- Microsoft strongly in the free play down the open source version of the platform for the challenges of Saipan, Saipan and stressed that the challenge in itself. 微软在极力淡化免费的开放源代码版塞班平台带来的挑战,并强调塞班本身面临的挑战。
- The new road system permit the free flow of traffic at all times. 新的道路系统可使车辆在任何时候都畅通无阻。
- Microeconomic policies were aimed at working with the grain of market forces by encouraging enterprise, efficiency and flexibility. 微观经济政策旨在通过鼓励实业,效率和灵活性共同努力提高市场竞争力。
- The new road system permits the free flow of traffic at all times. 新的道路系统可使车辆在任何时候都畅通无阻。
- Microeconomic policies were aimed at working with the grain of market forces by encouraging enterprise, efficiency and flexibility. 微观经济政策旨在通过鼓励实业,效率和灵活性共同努力提高市场竞争力。.
- BEIJING -- China's embrace of market forces in the past three decades has reshaped virtually every aspect of its people's lives. 三十年的改革开放几乎让中国人生活的方方面面都有所改变。
- Klein, B &Leffler, K., ( 1981 ): "The Role of Market Forces in Assuring Contractual Performance", Journal of Political Economy, 81: 615 -641. 除了温州皮鞋之外;另一个比较典型的例子是山西汾酒;在1996年假酒案发生之后;山西汾酒也受到市场的整体排挤.
- I get excited whenever I hear the playing of our national anthem. 每当我听到我们国歌的演奏都很激动。
- Only with these can the ap-plication of market mechanisms combine well with the full play of the partys political superiority andthe workers mastership in a socialist nation. 只有这样,才能把有效发挥党的政治优势,社会主义国家职工的主人翁作用,同运用市场机制很好地结合起来。
- Be that inside the free allowance? 这没超出免费行李额吧。