- They were hounded on the foreign policy of the government. 他们受到煽动攻击政府的对外政策。
- The Influence of Liberalism on the Foreign Policy of U. S. A. 自由主义与美国的外交政策。
- the foreign policy of Russia 俄罗斯外交
- The foreign policy and the national security of this country are involved. 我们的外交政策和国家安全都已面临考验。
- The demon strators declared against the foreign policy of their government. 示威者声明反对政府的外交政策。
- The Foreign Policy of Reagan Administration has strong color of conservatism. 里根政府的对外政策具有浓厚的保守主义色彩,其第三世界政策是新、老保守主义共同作用的产物。
- The new foreign minister reshaped the foreign policy of his country. 新的外交部长改造了对外计划。
- By analying the foreign policy of Athenian and the Sicily expedition, we can see Athenian almost triumph in Sicily. 通过对雅典对外政策等各个方面的全面分析, 可以看出雅典远征西西里不是没有获胜的希望, 虽然面对诸多的困难, 但是雅典几乎在远征中获得成功。
- The continuity remains while changes take place in the foreign policy of FRG since the unification. 德国统一后,其对外政策在变化中仍然保持着连续性。
- The study of the relationship among politics and geography, demography, and economics, especially with respect to the foreign policy of a nation. 地缘政治学研究政治、地理、人口和经济之间关系的学科,尤其着眼于一个国家的外交政策
- His research areas include international relations, comparatives politics, East Asia Studies, the foreign policy of the PRC and U.S. foreign policy. 他的研究领域包括国际关系、比较政治、东亚研究、中共外交政策及美国外交政策。
- This fiasco provides fuel for both sides in a long-running debate in Brazil about the foreign policy of the Lula government. 这次外交失利,对巴西国内长期以来关于卢拉政府外交政策的辩论来说,无异于火上浇油。
- Considered as a function of the public authorities, the foreign policy of the Republic of Bulgaria complies with the constitutional principles of state structure. 保加利亚对外政策是政府的一项职能,应遵循宪法中有关国体的原则。
- Feeling disgusted about the foreign policy of Qing government, he had relapses to deal with the relation with Qing government, even had the tendency of splittism. 在处理与中央政府的关系时,他对清政府的对外妥协政策深为反感,因而表现出几次反复,甚至中间还表示出一种分裂主义的倾向。
- Since 1970s, in order to obtain more community of foreign affairs, Pakistan was determined to change the foreign policy of allying with USA, pursuing new nonalignment policy. 从70年代开始,巴基斯坦政府为了获得更大的外交活动空间,决定改变与美国结盟的外交政策,奉行新的不结盟政策。
- Moscow is the capital of Russia. 莫斯科是俄罗斯的首都。
- In dealing with the international relations, the foreign policy is not the foreign policy of socialist pacific coexistence, but the foreign policy of hegemonism. 在处理国际关系上,外交政策不是社会主义的和平共处的外交政策,而是霸权主义的外交政策。
- The foreign policy of the Soviet Union over a very long period of time has consistently been one of peace,a policy based on the close links between its own interests and those of the overwhelming majority of mankind. 因为在过去很长的时期中,苏联的对外政策是一贯的和平政策,这种和平政策就是以苏联的利益和世界人类大多数的利益互相联系着的。
- Bahgat Korany &Ali Hillal Dessouki,The Foreign Policies of Arab States:the Challenge of Change,WestviewPress,1991,p.168. 1945年阿拉伯国家联盟成立时;埃及是创建国之一;且阿盟总部一直设在埃及首都开罗.
- The foreign policy of the Soviet Union over a very long period of time has consistently been one of peace, a policy based on the close links between its own interests and those of the overwhelming majority of mankind. 因为在过去很长的时期中,苏联的对外政策是一贯的和平政策,这种和平政策就是以苏联的利益和世界人类大多数的利益互相联系着的。