- The flooding of Yellow River led to the change of soil microelement, which in turn played an invisible role in the disintegration of the civilization of Huanghuaihai Plain. 摘要由于黄河泛滥造成的土壤的微量元素的变化是黄淮海平原文明衰变过程中一只看不见的手。
- The courtiers reported to the emperor on the flood of the Yellow river. 大臣向皇帝陈奏黄河水患。
- the flood of Yellow River 黄河水灾
- I first brought forward extracting model of information of ice flood of Yellow River, It was proved that it was effective. 首次提出并建立了基于MODIS数据的以NDSI、第2通道反射率、地26通道反射率及封冻指数为主要参数的黄河冰凌信息提取模型,并被实践证明行之有效。
- I successfully realized dynamic monitoring ice flood of Yellow River using side-swing of CBERS-02 for the first time, it opened up a new field on homemade satellitic application. 首次应用CBERS-02的侧摆接收功能成功实现了对突发冰凌灾害的动态监测,为国产卫星的应用开辟了一个新领域。
- The flood of hunters killed off most of the buffaloes in that area. 大量涌到的猎人捕杀了那个地区里的大部分野牛。
- Application of CBERS-02 data on elaborate monitoring of the ice flood of Yellow River is very good, specially side-swing of CBERS-02 could quickly finish dynamic monitoring of unexpected disaster area. 中巴资源卫星02星数据能较好的用于黄河冰凌的精细监测,特别是其侧摆数据接收功能,能快速实现对突发灾害区域的动态监测。
- Due to flooding of the Yellow River diversion, bridge destroyed ship rot, and iron Tieniu people to resist the impact of the floods and other disasters. 后因洪水泛滥,黄河改道,桥毁船腐,铁牛和铁人却抵挡了洪水冲击等灾难。
- The flood of hardy introductions was beginning. 耐寒果树的大规模引种开始了。
- The nurses were trying to halt the flood of blood. 护士们正在试图阻止大出血。
- It will prevent the flooding of the land. 水坝会防止陆地的淹没。
- Baikal Lake blocking high and Qinghai-Xizang high covered the Yellow River Basin in the flood season during midsummer. 盛夏期间黄河流域先后受贝加尔湖阻塞高压和青藏高原高压控制 ;
- Life is a bridge of sighs across the flood of tears. 生活是跨越泪河的叹息之桥。
- I discussed application of CBERS-02 on the ice flood monitoring of Yellow River. 对中巴资源卫星02星在黄河冰凌灾害监测中的应用进行了研究探讨。
- The flood of the sea is a normal everyday occurrence. 海水出现涨潮是每天都会发生的正常现象。
- The flood did a lot of damage to the crops. 洪水毁坏了大量农作物。
- Ice flood of yellow river 黄河凌汛
- This is fames as the thousand years No.1 town of Yellow river. 被誉为千年的黄河第一古镇啊!
- A flood of cheap imports has come into the shops. 大量廉价进口商品涌入商店。
- This model had high delicacy and effectively finished Real-time(quasi-Real-time) dynamic monitoring of ice flood disaster of Yellow River. 提出并建立的黄河冰凌信息提取模型具有较高的灵敏度,能较好的实现对黄河冰凌灾害的实时(准实时)动态监测。