- The second edition greatly improves on the first edition. 第二版比第一版好了许多。
- The first edition was soon exhausted. 初版很快告罄。
- The first edition appeared in 1920. 第一个版本出现在1920年。
- The first edition of Life is published. 1936年,第一期生活杂志出版(美)。
- DeBakey Foreword to the First Edition Alexander J. 创伤(英文原版): Contributors Foreword Michael E.
- The first edition was published in 1998. 第一版于1998年出版。
- We have launched the first edition of CAE magazine. 我们已经出了疯狂美语杂志的第一期。
- Do you have the first edition? of this book? 你们有这本书的第一版吗?
- Corrections have been made to the first edition. 订正了第一版中的错误。
- We have launched the first edition of the work on the market. 我们已面向市场出了那部著作的第一版。
- The author is maintaining a list of errata for the first edition. 作者正在维护第一版的勘误表。
- The first edition of Robinson Crusoe was printed in 1719. 《鲁滨逊漂流记》第一版是在1797年出版的。
- Strongly, even for those who already have the first edition. 甚至是那些已经拥有第一版的人。
- The first edition is now available. See Table of Contents (PDF). 第一版现在有效。请参考内容列表(pdf).
- The subscription of the first edition of the new year has began. 新年的第一刊已经开始征订了。
- The first edition of his blockbuster novel was soon sold out. 他那部轰动一时的小说第一版很快就卖光了。
- He picked up the first edition of the book at a bookstall. 他在一个书摊上买到了一本首版书。
- In the word "mother" the stress is on the first syllable. 在"mother"这一字里,重音在第一个音节上。,在"mother"这一字里,重音在第一个音节上。
- Alarmed at the first sound, we hit the dirt. 第一声警报一响我们就迅速卧倒。
- She struck up the first carol on the grand piano. 她在那架大钢琴上演奏起第一支颂歌。