- the fight of real claim 物权请求权
- Pay attention to the fight of fovea and fear. 集中注意力去对抗心里的恐惧。时时注意要懂得害怕。
- This is the fight of the kingdom of the mind. 这是思想领域的斗争。
- The preemption of the co-owner is a typical right of real claim based on the housing ownership, and it is regular and legal. 共有人的先买权是基于房屋所有权而产生的典型的物上请求权,该权利是固有的,法定的。
- The news of defeat took all the fight out of us. 失败的消息夺走了我们所有的斗志。
- All the fight seemed to go out of him. 他似乎再无斗志。
- Land resource,water resource and some properties that can produce direct incomes,such as constructions,can be protected through the right of real claim. 土地资源、水资源和部分能直接带来收益的财产如建筑物可以通过物权请求权予以保护。
- In the fight of SARS of this prevention and cure, the real operation compose that countless communists use them the paean of life of a music. 在这场防治非典的斗争中,无数共产党员用他们的实际行动谱写了一曲曲生命的赞歌。
- Losing their leader took all the fight out of them. 他们失去了首领以後便丧失了斗志。
- Flirtation of fight of the dish check on house occupants of sing a hymn to make to endow with of brag Lao Ke of real attained boring of the best state-have no not to chat. 调情的、吵架的、盘查户口的、吟诗作赋的、吹牛唠嗑的,真正做到了无聊的最佳境界--无所不聊。
- The law punishes people who invade the fights of others. 法律惩罚侵犯他人权利的人。
- The sound effect of the fight is very good in that radio play. 广播剧中那场战斗的音响效果很好。
- The sound effects of the fight were very good in that radio play. 广播剧中那场战斗的音响效果很好。
- Attacked by a combination of rivals, Brander was given the fight of his life. 议会里有一群劲敌联合起来攻击他,使他经历一次生平未有的苦战。
- On Proprietor's Protoplast Right of Real Claim 论物权人的原物返还请求权
- The forthcoming talks hold out the hope of real arms reductions. 即将举行的会谈给实现真正的裁军带来了希望。
- On the Legistive Pattern of the Right of Real Claim 论物权请求权的规范模式
- The fight was won by a knockout. 这场拳击以一击将对方打倒而获胜。
- The forthcoming talk hold out the hope of real arms reduction. 即将举行的会谈给实现真正的裁军带来了希望。
- The fight of the German, and especially, of the Prussian bourgeoisie, against feudal aristocracy and absolute monarchy, in other words, the liberal movement, became more earnest. 德国的特别是普鲁士的资产阶级反对封建主和专制王朝的斗争,一句话,自由主义运动,越来越严重了。