- The Jinshajiang River Valley is a community for the ethnic peoples of the Yi, the Han, the Dai, the Bai, the Lisu, and the Miao, with strong cultural and ecological diversities. 摘要金沙江河谷是彝、汉、傣、白、傈僳、苗等民族共存共生之地,民族文化多样性与生态的多样性互相联系。
- Are a branch of the ethnic Hani minority. 哦,没问题。走吧。是哈尼族的一个分支。
- Dousing the ethnic flames will be difficult. 要浇熄民族矛盾的火焰并非易事。
- Study group of AFDC at the Opening Ceremony of the Special Commodities Fair of the Ethnic People in Shenzhen 联谊会考察组参加深圳少数民族特产交易会开幕式
- Economic Convergency and the Characterization of Ideographic Cultures--The Duality of the Ethnic People's Development during the Chinese Modernization 经济趋同与表意文化的特化--中国现代化过程中少数民族发展的双重性
- Look, it's a silver ornament of the ethnic She people. 您瞧,就是这畬族银饰。
- Social Function of the Wedding Ceremony of the Ethnic Peoples 少数民族婚礼的社会功能
- the ethnic people 少数民族
- Family Disowns Her.Guess The Ethnicity. 主题: Re: 8-Year-Old Raped.
- It is a totem for some ethnic groups and some ethnic people worship the drum as a symbol of femal. 鼓在云南,不仅仅是一种乐器,它或象征母体,或形似女阴,是民族的一种崇拜、一种图腾。
- The Dai Ethnic people regard peacock as the bird of happiness and call it sunbird. They admire and worship peacock. 傣族把象征爱情的孔雀叫太阳鸟,孔雀就是他们崇拜的图腾。
- Family planning is also advocated among the ethnic minorities. 对少数民族,国家也实行计划生育。
- Zhuang ethnic people in Bai Se, Guangxi, held wrestling and cockfight matches in a tomato pool recently to celebrate a local cultural tourism festival. 广西百色市壮族民众近日别出心裁地在番茄池里举行"比武"大赛,项目有摔跤、斗鸡和"顶牛"等,欢度当地旅游文化节。在盛产小番茄的百色,农民有丰收时节斗鸡、摔跤的传统。
- The Miao ethnic people in the area still keep up their traditional customs. As an ongoing lifestyle the position of silver jewelry is still glaring. 该地区苗族群众仍然保持传统的生活习俗,作为一种还在进行的生活方式,银饰的地位依旧突出。
- The ethnic costumes you are wearing are so beautiful! 他是我的搭档,渊源。你们穿的兄弟民族服装真好看啊!
- The Hani ethic group is one of the ethnic minorities in China. 哈尼族是中国的一个少数民族。
- The islanders are a strong breed of people. 这些岛上的居民是一种体格强壮的人。
- A General Outline of the Cosmological Calendar System of the Ethnic Peoples in Yunnan 云南少数民族天文历法概述
- All the ethnic groups brought their culture, their music, their literature. 所有各族人民带来了他们的文化、音乐和文学。
- We must consider the feelings of other people. 我们必须顾及他人的感情。