- the essence of probing study 探究性学习实质
- Caution is the essence of that man's character. 谨慎是那人性格的本质。
- Simplicity is the essence of good taste. 纯朴是情趣高尚的主要因素。
- The essence of all good strategy is simplicity. 一切优秀战略的精髓是简单。
- The essence of language is communication. 语言的本质是沟通。
- Self-trust is the essence of heroism. 自信为英雄品质之本。
- The essence of his long speech is that we must all work harder. 他那长篇大论的核心是我们大家必须更努力地工作。
- The essence of his argument is that capitalism cannot succeed. 他的论点的核心是资本主义不能成功。
- Health is the essence of happiness. 健康是幸福的本质。
- You should analyze the essence of the problem. 你应该剖析问题的实质。
- He tried to express the essence of his subject. 他力图表现其研究对象的精神实质。
- We must try to get to the essence of things. 我们必须想法抓住事物的本质。
- He was the essence of sunshine and good-humor. 他成了阳光和兴致的化身。
- Here was the essence of the Paris she remembered. 这是她记忆中的巴黎的精华荟萃之处。
- Self- trust is the essence of heroism. 自信乃英雄主义的精髓。
- We should get to the essence of things. 我们应当触及事物的本质。
- The essence of Gouzenko's story was simple. 古森科材料的基本内容倒也简单。
- The essence of innovation study is the knowledge increment. 创新学习的实质是知识的增殖。
- Egoism and altruism are the essence of Mahayana. 自利利他思想是大乘佛教的精髓。
- Distill the essence of natural plants. 汲取天然植物。