- the electron wave field 电子波场
- In response to an outside electric field, the electron wave is slightly distorted or displaced. 作为对外电场的反应,电子波要稍稍变形或移位。
- We studied the electronic wave packet in a quantized laser field where the electron and the field was treated as a close system. 第五章是本文的另一部分内容,我们将激光场看成一量子化的场,电子与场组成一封闭系统,在量子电动力学的框架内研究了电子波包在量子化场中的时间演化。
- The principle of quantum well is discussed based on the Schrodinger equation satisfied by the electron wave function frcm quantum theory. 本文主要从量子理论中的电子波函数所满足的薛定锷方程出发,讨论了量子阱理论。
- In chapter 3, from the viewpoint that the electron wave function of the two polar plates in the mesoscopic capacitance is coupled, we take the coupling energy into account and obtain the Hamilton of the mesoscopic LC circuit without electromotive force. 在第三章,从介观电容两极板的电子波函数相互耦合这一观点出发,考虑了介观电容的耦合能,给出了无源介观LC电路的哈密顿量(?)
- By theoretical analysis of several electronic wave spee d, it is concluded that the electronic wave speed is virtually the information sp eed to build up the timespace image of electron. 通过对几种电子波波速的理论分析,得出电子波波速实质上是电子建立时空形象的信息速度。
- When the plane wave returns and crosses the molecule, it produces an interference pattern with the stationary part of the electron wave function, like two trains of water waves crossing and forming a checkerboard disturbance. 一旦平面波折返并横越过分子,它便会与待在轨道上的电子波产生干涉图样,就像是两道水波相遇所形成的西洋棋盘般明暗交错的扰动。
- By theoretical analysis of several electronic wave spee d,it is concluded that the electronic wave speed is virtually the information sp eed to build up the timespace image of electron. 通过对几种电子波波速的理论分析,得出电子波波速实质上是电子建立时空形象的信息速度。
- The company has achieved a premier position in the electronics field. 该公司执电子行业之牛耳。
- Seismic wave field and seismic exploration II. 地震波场与地震勘探2。
- The electron is not very tied to the atom. 这个电子受原子的约束不那么紧。
- The body or plate to which the electrons are attracted is called the anode. 电子被吸引到其上面去的物体或薄板称为阳极。
- In cathode ray tube display, the continuation of light emission from phosphor after excitation by the electron beam. 在阴极射线管显示器中,用电子束激励后荧光物质光发射的持续现象。
- Out of the electronic tube has come one particularly tough little war baby. 从电子管中产生出一门格外强劲而短暂的战时工业。
- The atomic center is the nucleus, and the electronics winds revolve it. 原子的中央是原子核,电子绕着它旋转。
- Let us return to electron waves now. 现在我们再回到电子波上来。
- The prognosis for the future of the electronics industry is encouraging. 预测电子工业的前途一片大好。
- The electron oscillates parallel to the electric field and at the same frequency, but it does not necessarily oscillate in phase with the light wave. 该电子以相同的频率来作平行于电场的振动,但此振动不见得和原光波同相位。
- When an electron encounters a light wave of ordinary power, the electric field of the wave exerts a force on the electron and makes it oscillate. 当一个电子碰上一般功率的光波时,波的电场会对电子施加一个力量使之振动。
- The effect of time-varied wave field on the diffraction tomography was analyzed. 初步分析了时变入射波场对衍射层析成像的影响。