- His brow corrugated with the effort of thinking. 他皱着眉头用心地思考。
- Love is the effort a man make to be satisfied with only one woman. 恋爱,是男人作出的准备只以一个女人来满足自己的努力。
- Jim intends to go for broke in the race, even though the effort may kill him. 吉姆打算在下一次赛跑中拼命跑,纵然要累死也在所不惜。
- Love is the effort a man making to be satisfied with only one woman. 恋爱,是男人作出的准备只以一个女人来满足自己的努力。
- The effort was an enormous success by any standard. 以任何标准来衡量,这次的工作非常成功。
- The effort itself was meaningful for him. 他为把巨石推上山顶所做的搏斗本身就是以使他的心里感到充实。
- The effort pays off in the long run. 这种努力最终会有好结果。
- It's worthwhile to make the effort. 进行这样的努力是值得的。
- The effort is not without risks. 但这样做不是没有风险的。
- But the effort is largely in vain. 不过大多数努力只是徒劳。
- But the effort to learn is critical. 但最重要的还是下工夫学习。
- But the end result is worth the effort. 但最后出来的效果是值得你这番辛苦的。
- The deep mud negatived all the efforts to advance. 这路太泥泞使所有前进的努力都白费劲。
- Keith felt unequal to the effort. 基思觉得辜负了这番努力。
- Is he too lazy to make the effort? 他是不是太懒了,不愿花气力呢?
- If I had saved the effort, would the pain be less? 如果一开始就松手,我的痛苦会不会少些?
- Quit does render all the effort meaningless. 放弃将会使所有的努力付之东流。
- He tensed his muscles for the effort. 他紧绷着肌肉使劲。
- The rewards of exporting are well worth the effort. 做出口业务虽然辛苦,但是报酬很可观。
- All the efforts made by the imperialists to save the puppet regime went for nothing. 帝国主义者为了挽救那傀儡政权所花的一切力气都白费了。