- We should attend to the education of young people. 我们应当关心年轻人的教育问题。
- In the education of people air defence of school student, be in charge of branch and organization of branch of director of people air defence to carry out by various education. 在校学生的人民防空教育,由各级教育主管部门和人民防空主管部门组织实施。
- Father has an eye to the education of his boy. 父亲非常注意儿子的教育问题。
- Aristotle advocates the golden mean principle of consumption ethics, objects to waste and miserliness, attaches importance to temperance, and emphasizes the education of people's consumption ethics. 亚里士多德主张"中道"的消费伦理原则,反对"浪费"和"吝啬",注重"节制",强调对人们进行消费道德教育。
- He has an eye to the education of the boy. 他对这个孩子的教育非常注意。
- I have the education of young girls in charge. 我负责照管女孩子们的教育。
- No country can afford to neglect the education of its young people. 任何国家都不能疏忽对年轻人的教育。
- We poured money into the education of our children. 我们倾注了大量的钱在孩子的教育上。
- I am very much exercised about the education of my daughter. 我深为我女儿的教育担忧。
- The islanders are a strong breed of people. 这些岛上的居民是一种体格强壮的人。
- They are very much exercised about the education of their son . 他们对于儿子的教育深为忧愁。
- A lot of people in shipbuilding will get the axe. 造船业的很多人将被解雇。
- They are very much exercised about the education of their son. 他们对于儿子的教育深为忧愁。
- Influence on the Education of Healthy Psychology Exerted by P. E. 体育教育对师范院校大学生心理健康教育影响的研究。
- A few of people were browsing in the bookstore. 有一些人在书店翻阅着书。
- What is your own view about the education of single-child? 你对现在的独生子女的教育有何高见啊?
- He did the deed in view of a crowd of people. 他当着一群人的面干了这件事。
- I am very much exercised about the education of my son. 我深为儿子的教育担忧。
- The rebels now have thousands of people under arms. 现在造反者已有成千上万人有了武装。
- All these are the contents of the education of inconstant Dao. 这些都属于非常道的教育内容。