- Component onto the ECO space designer. 组件拖放到ECO空间设计器。
- Through revamping,the energy consumption decreased and the eco... 装置通过节能改造,能耗大幅度降低,经济效益显著。
- If you have the right of appeal, the ECO will give you three documents. 如果被拒绝,您将收到三份文件
- This will lead to an imbalanced development of economy and the eco system. 在绿色生态文明时代,环境刑法应具有明确的立法导向,注重对环境生态利益的刑法保护。
- The technique and precess of functional zone dividing in city's atmospheric environment is presented.By the example of functional zone dividing in C... 提出了地理信息系统支持下的分区方法及其步骤。
- It situates in the prosperous golden belt in Jinqiao Function Zone and provides a unique and elegant retreat in the hustling and bustling zone. 毗邻中央党校,邻近上海新国际博览中心,至陆家嘴金融贸易中心、东方明珠、金茂大厦十分便捷。
- Research on butyl rubber damping ma -terial including the improvement of its property in lower temperature and the extending of its functional zone to higher temperature. 丁基橡胶阻尼材料的研究包括:低温性能的改进和高温功能区的拓展。与其他弹性体并用共硫化,可改善其低温性能;
- Characteristics and Protection of the Eco environment Alongside the Wanjiazhai Huanghe River Diversion Project. 山西万家寨引黄工程沿线生态环境特征及其保护
- Finally, the authors analyzed characteristics of each function zone from the angle of socio-economy, and suggested direction and controlling measures of land use in Yixing. 文章最后从社会经济角度分析了各功能区的特征,提出了土地利用方向与措施。
- Diamant(TM) Film has recently received the ECO logo certified by the Environmental Choice(TM) Program. 狄亚曼特(商标)电影,最近收到了生态标志认证,环境选择( TM )计划。
- He holds that ecology is anti?capitalism, and capitalistic production mode is the root cause of the eco?crisis. 他认为,生态学是反对资本主义的,资本主义的生产方式是导致生态危机的根本原因。
- The Norwegians live in a comparatively cold zone. 挪威人生活在比较寒冷的地区。
- This project is composed of several different functional zone, itakes an important location which once was the location of original Hamburg, it Will be a new Landmark Building in Hamburg. 本建筑不但应包容许多不同的功能,而且其地理位置也十分重要,它的地基位于与著名的圣彼得教堂相对的原汉堡城原址上,将是汉堡市的一个新的标志性建筑。
- The Eco version of the C200 will feature a diesel-hybrid drivetrain, promising roughly double the fuel economy of a typical CUV. 生态版本的C200将采用柴油混合动力,有希望翻番的燃油经济性的一个典型的CUV。
- Being less affected by the human being, the water environmental system of Hulun lake is strongly affected by the eco hydrological process of the basin. 呼伦湖是一典型的草原型湖泊,受人类活动的直接影响较小,湖泊水环境系统的演化受到流域生态水文过程的影响。
- By emphasizing the distinction between the eco and urban zones, Chatham’s downtown urban identity can begin to flourish. 通过强化生态区和城区的区别,作为繁华的商业大都市,查塔姆将再次彰显她的生机与活力。
- Develop a proposal to SFA on collective owned natural forest management issues to allow the community to manage and use the forests in sustainable manner in Qinling National Ecology Function Zone. 就集体所有天然森林的管理,向陕西林业局提出一份建议书,允许社区在秦岭国家生态功能区,以可持续的方式管理和使用森林。
- The wind whirled the dead leaves about. 风吹得枯叶在四处回旋。
- Land-lake ecozone refers to the functional zone between internal water ecosystem and the land ecosystem, where them is an apparent complexity which attracts attention from geography and geobotany. 摘要水陆生态交错带是指内陆水生生态系统与陆地生态系统之间的功能界面区,其复杂性是地理学和地植物学关注的重要问题。
- The wind was whispering in the trees. 一阵风穿过树林沙沙作响。