- In the early Qing dynasty, a Suzhou merchant ship came back from Japan. 摘要顺治九年(1652),一艘赴日本贸易的苏州商船回国。
- Although Oirat Mongols occupied an important place in the early Qing dynasty . 卫拉特蒙古在清代前期历史上具有重要地位。
- Li Yingdu, the famous Guan School thinker, was one of the wellknown poets in the early Qing dynasty. 摘要李因笃不仅是清初著名的关学学者,而且是著名的诗人。
- Wang Shizhen(1643-1711)was a leader of the literary cir cles in the early Qing Dynasty. “好是日斜风定后,半江红树卖鲈鱼”,这是最被人们称道的名句。
- In the early Qing Dynasty, porcelain makers started to paint more complicated pictures on their wares. 清朝初期,制作陶瓷的工匠们开始在他们的作品上画更复杂的图案。
- Population, diked fields and floods were three ulmost important elements in the economy of the Dongting Lake regions during the early Qing Dynasty. 人口、垸田和水灾是制约清代前期洞庭湖区社会经济发展的三要素。
- During the late Ming Dynasty and the early Qing Dynasty, there were three brothers whose family name were Wei in Ningdu of Jiangxi province. 摘要明末清初的“宁都三魏”是以魏禧为首的宁都魏氏三兄弟。游历是他们的重要活动之一。
- Posthumous title, "Project Day"qi du wei hereditary and first-class riding Wei-yun, were included in the early Qing Dynasty, "fifty hero" one. 谥“毅节”,世袭骑都尉兼一等云骑尉,名列入清朝前期“五十功臣”之一。
- However the early Qing Dynasty was such a queasy conjuncture, although these novels were out of time, they reflected the complex mentality of the writers. 而清初又是一个动荡残破的时期,出现这样一批莺歌燕舞卿卿我我的小说,着实给人以不合时宜之感,但正寄寓着作者“难与外人道”的复杂的心态。
- Yan Yuan,the Chinese educational reformer in the early Qing Dynasty,performs a series of educational reforms in objectives,curriculum and methodologies. 我国清初教育改革家颜元对传统学校从培养目标、课程设置、教学方法等方面进行了一系列改革。
- Abstract Deng Hanyi, an outstanding publisher and poet in the early Qing Dynasty, writes lots of excellent poems, and he is also a flagman in the course of constituting the early Qing poetics. 摘 要 清初著名出版家、诗人邓汉仪,不仅创作了一批优秀的诗歌作品,而且在清初诗学建构过程中是一个重要的旗手。
- Deng Hanyi, an outstanding publisher and poet in the early Qing Dynasty, writes lots of excellent poems, and he is also a flagman in the course of constituting the early Qing poetics. 清初著名出版家、诗人邓汉仪,不仅创作了一批优秀的诗歌作品,而且在清初诗学建构过程中是一个重要的旗手。
- Bamboo products of the early Qing Dynasty with a legacy of the Ming Dynasty, but the performance is more rich and varied techniques, shallow carved, bas-relief techniques and at the same time. 清代前期的竹雕制品带有明代的遗风,但表现技法更为丰富多样,浅刻、浅浮雕的技法同时并用。
- Imperial Seals of the Early Qing Dynasty 清代宝玺
- The third palace in the Inner Court is the Palace of Earthly Tranquility. This palace was the private residence of the empresses during the Ming and the early Qing dynasties. 内廷的第三个宫殿叫坤宁宫。这里在明朝和清朝早期是皇后的居所。
- End of Ming Dynasty and the Early Qing Dynasty 西湖小说
- Song-poetry ethos in the early Qing Dynasty 清初宋诗热
- In the Qing Dynasty, especially in the earlier Qing Dynasty ,salt tradesmen depending on privileges given by the Qing government monopolized transportation and sale of salt and obtained high profits . 清代,特别是清前期,各地盐商凭借清王朝政府授予的特权,垄断了食盐的运销,借此获取高额的利润。
- During the Late Ming and the Early Qing Dynasty 明清之际
- in the late Ming Dynasty and the early Qing Dynasty 明末清初