- the early Christian martyrs 早期的基督教殉道者
- An elder of the congregation in the early Christian church. 长老早期基督教教会中的长老
- Of or relating to the fathers of the early Christian church or their writings. 早期基督教教士的早期基督教教士或其著作的,与其有关的
- In the early Christian churches, the small collection of scriptures and related books was kept to the left. 在早期的基督教堂里,少量的典籍及有关的图书被放置在教堂的左侧。
- In the early Christian Church, the love feast accompanied by Eucharistic celebration. 爱筵;团圆筵早期在基督教堂举行的伴有崇拜仪式庆典以表示兄弟情谊的会餐
- Adhering to the Christian faith as expressed in the early Christian ecumenical creeds. 信奉早期基督教教义的:如早期基督教宗教信条所表达的那样坚持基督教信条。
- Monasticism and Asceticism develop as important movements in the early Christian church. 修道院制度和禁欲主义的发展是早期基督教会的重要运动。
- Private meetings in the houses of the faithful were features of the early Christian church, then seeking to escape Roman imperial persecution. 为了试图躲避罗马帝国的迫害,早期的基督教会特征即是信徒们在家里举行私下集会。
- BASILICAN_ STRUCTURES_ DESC; Large basilican structures, in a continuation of a tradition inaugurated by the early Christian basilica, were topped by wooden roofs. 巨大的巴西利卡式建筑,风格上承袭了早期基督教长方形廊柱教堂的影响,屋顶一般是木质的。
- The early Christian Church had dissipated its strength by theological controversies, carried on for three centuries with incredible violence and ingenuity. 早期基督教会为了神学上的分歧彼此耗散,教会内部持续了长达三个世纪令人难以置信的暴力冲突。
- Christian martyrs were stoned to death. 基督教殉道者被用石块击毙。
- The early Christians held clandestine meetings in caves. 早期的基督徒在洞穴中秘密聚会。
- In the Early Christianity the things were completely different. 基督教发展的早期,情况则完全不同。
- BASILICAN_STRUCTURES_DESC;Large basilican structures, in a continuation of a tradition inaugurated by the early Christian basilica, were topped by wooden roofs. 巨大的巴西利卡式建筑,风格上承袭了早期基督教长方形廊柱教堂的影响,屋顶一般是木质的。
- The find is also significant in that it corroborates the existence of Joseph, Jesus’ father, and James, Jesus’ brother and a leader of the early Christian church in Jerusalem. 这项发现的重要性还在于它证实了耶稣的父亲约瑟以及兄弟雅各的存在,雅各也是早期耶路撒冷基督教的领袖。
- The pastors of the early Christian Church in Rome endeavoured to do away with the pagan element in these feasts by substituting the names of saints for those of maidens. 牧人的早期基督教教堂在罗马力图摆脱与异教的因素,这些节日即以姓名圣人对于那些少女。
- An official list or catalog of religious martyrs, especially of Christian martyrs. 天主教殉教者名册一个官方清单或殉教者的目录,尤指信奉基督教的殉道者
- In the early morning, he robed and drove abroad. 他一早就穿好衣服开车出门了。
- Among the early Christians,the anchor was a symbol of hope and salvation. 早期基督教徒视锚为希望与拯救的象征。
- How grand the mountains look in the early evening! 暮色中群山是多么壮丽!