- the dualism of status 身份二元性
- Hold the dualism of the job and life concurrently at the same time. 同时兼有工作与生活的双重性。
- Capitalistic private ownership and market economy define the dualism of capitalist economy, that is, private and sociality. 资本主义私有制和市场经济共同决定了资本主义经济的两重性,即私人性和社会性。
- The dualism of liberal vs vocational education seems very common in educational history. 摘要技职教育与博雅或通识教育长时间来一直处于二元对立。
- This target demands the research and subject-building of teacher-training have the dualism of specialty and pedagogy. 这一目标要求师范教育的科研及学科建设具有专业性与教育学双重特性。
- SHAM takes advantage by cleverly marketing the dualism of victimization and empowerment. SHAM聪明的以受害和授权的双重性做为行销点。
- In philosophic field, the dualism of consciousness and body has changed into monism. 哲学界意识与身体的“二元论”过渡到“一元论”;
- The dualism of motive and effect is the philosophical basis for forgiving those people. 动机和效果的二元论是他们宽恕这些人的哲学基础。
- The dualism of subject-object is not a dual opposites, while dialectical thinking is not a model of thinking of subject-object dual opposites. 摘要主客二分并非二元对立,辩证思维也并不是主客二元对立的思维模式。
- The value of environment law is endowed with the dual contends by the dualism of the regulated object, which is the value of justice and utility. 这就是环境法具有正义和功利双重价值,而正义价值和功利价值又都具有双重的内容。
- Therefore, our government should fully recognize the dualism of the Security Investment Fund so as to promote its advantages and avoid its adverse impacts. 因此,在全面认识证券投资基金对对证券市场稳定性发面的双重效应后,我国政府在促进证券投资基金业发展的过程中,应充分认识到基金对市场的双重性,以期实现证券投资基金业的有序的发展和有效的监管,发挥其积极的作用,控制其不利的影响。
- Abstract: The dualism of teaching content means: teaching content is unification, which is made up of the same title and of different forms of locomotion. 摘 要: 教学内容双重性特征是指:教学内容是由同一名称和不同运动形态构成的统一体。
- The secret of fashion lay in dualism of charming, which is maverick and imitation, fashion and popular. The dualism meets self two needs: peculiarity and safe sense. 时尚的全部秘密在于奇魅的双重性:既标新立异又可资模仿,既新潮又流行,这种双重性正好同时满足了自我的两种基本需要:独特性与安全感。
- We should have rational legal ideas and maintain the dualism of “functional unification and formal differentiation” in the international evolution of company institutions. 因此,应当坚持理性的法律思维,坚持公司制度国际演化的“功能统一、形式分化”二元观。
- This paper analyzes the dualism of library knowledge management from the viewpoint of philosophy,and discusses the value view of library knowledge management. 本文从哲学的思维来分析图书馆知识管理的二重性,论述图书馆知识管理的价值观,应用哲学的观点指导图书馆知识管理的实践活动。
- But who has thrown down the two rows of statues? 可是,那两列塑像是谁拆毁的呢?
- Define content sections of status reports. 定义状态报告的目录部分。
- Number of status points changed! 素质点数的数量已改变!
- The origins of the Gnostic world view have been sought by scholars in the dualism of Iranian religion, the allegorical Idealism of the Middle Platonic philosophers, and the apocalypticism of certain Jewish mystics. 诺斯替世界的起源可以从波斯宗教的二元论学者找到,寓言般的中期柏拉图哲学的理想主义和犹太宗教的启示论。
- The dualism of Ming style chairs is expatiated ergonomically. The courtesy function is specifically analyzed by integrating it with Chinese traditional science of arteries and veins. 本文通过现代人体工学诠释了对明式座椅理解的双重性,着重分析了明式座椅的礼仪功效,并结合中医经络学揣测明式座椅的潜在功能。