- A disorderly demonstration will take place. 一场示威游行将要发生。
- The police scuffled with the demonstrators. 警察和示威群众混战起来。
- The demonstration passed off without incident. 游行自始至终未发生意外。
- Most of the demonstrators will probably be no rowdier than the Oxbridge crowd (indeed, there will be quite some overlap). 许多示威者很可能和观看牛津剑桥划船比赛的观众一样,根本不是无赖之徒(事实上,很多人就来自那里)。
- The demonstration erupted into violence. 示威游行中突然出现了武斗。
- We watched the demonstration from our windows. 我们从窗口看示威游行。
- They called for the peaceful dispersal of the demonstrators. 他们要求示威者和平解散。
- The police nixed the demonstration. 警察禁止示威(游行)。
- The demonstrators chanted in the square. 示威者在广场上单调而有节奏地喊叫。
- the demonstrated willingness 表露出来的意愿
- The demonstrators were thrown into prison for disorderly conduct. 示威者因无法无天的行为而被投入监狱。
- The demonstrators set up apparatus for the experiment. 示范者安装好了实验装置。
- The meeting was closed after the demonstrators interrupted it. 会议遭示威者干扰而结束。
- For several days, they savagely suppressed the demonstrations. 有好几天,他们野蛮地镇压示威游行。
- The demonstration end in a violent clash with the police. 游行示威以与警察的激烈冲突而告终。
- The police grouped (themselves) round the demonstrators. 警察围聚在示威者的四周。
- The police were present at the demonstration in (full) force. 警方派出大队人马在示威游行的现场戒备。
- The demonstration was carefully orchestrated to attract maximum publicity. 该示威经过精心策划以尽量吸引公众注意。
- The demonstrators brandished banners and shouted slogans. 示威者挥舞着旗帜,呼喊着口号。
- The demonstrators distributed leaflets to passers-by. 示威者向行人分发传单。