- the definitive life of Byron 权威性的拜伦传
- She's written the definitive history of Vienna. 她写下了权威性的维也纳历史。
- Sure, his dad is a lush, but he's always the life of the party. 没错,他父亲是个酒鬼,但他永远是宴会的灵魂人物。
- They attempted the life of the dictator. 他们试图杀死这个独裁者。
- The life of the patient is at stake. 病人的生命在危急中。
- The life of the sick man is at stake. 病人的生命危在旦夕。
- The book portrays the life of an actor. 这本书描述了一个演员的一生。
- George stayed out of the social life of the school. 乔治置身于该校社交生活之外。
- I'm reading the life of Dickens. 我在读狄更斯的传记。
- The life of an evil man is a moral negation. 恶人的生命在道德上是无价值的。
- He claims to be an admirer of Byron. 他宣称是拜伦的仰慕者。
- Life of human is definite while knowledge is infinite. It must be of failure that a man seeks for infinite knowledge in his definite life. 人的生命是有限的,而知识是无限的。用有限的生命去追逐无限的知识这种尝试是注定会失败的。吾生也有涯,而知也无涯。以有涯随无涯,殆已!
- Her book is the definitive work on Milton. 她的书是论述米尔顿的权威著作.
- He will publish his observation on the social life of these primitive tribe. 他将公布他对那些原始部落的社会生活观察所得的资料。
- She had led a life of luxury and privilege. 她过著养尊处优的生活。
- Gareth: The definitive icebreaker. 绝对的催化剂。
- Experts have authenticated the writing as that of Byron himself. 专家鉴定这字迹是拜伦的亲笔。
- To the definition of how our life? 该要怎样去定义我们的人生呢?
- He wished the young couple a life of happiness and prosperity. 他祝这对年轻人生活幸福、 万事如意。
- We hope to have a life of happiness and prosperity. 我们希望拥有成功幸福的生活。